Luke - Chapter 17 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}

8 months ago

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Hello, and welcome to "DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATION"
Enjoy reading God's word with spoken word and text. Red Letter Edition.
God is in control, always and forever. AMEN!

Luke - Chapter 17 Summary:

Luke chapter 17 contains teachings of Jesus on various topics, including forgiveness, faith, and the kingdom of God. One key lesson from this chapter is about the importance of forgiveness. Jesus teaches that if someone sins against us and repents, we should forgive them, even if they sin against us multiple times in a day. This teaches us about the importance of extending forgiveness to others as we have been forgiven by God.

Another lesson is about the nature of faith. Jesus teaches that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, emphasizing the power of even a small amount of faith. This teaches us about the importance of trusting in God's power and promises, even when our faith may seem small or weak.

Furthermore, Luke 17 teaches about the coming of the kingdom of God. Jesus warns against false prophets and false messiahs, emphasizing that the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed with the eyes, but is among us. This teaches us about the spiritual nature of God's kingdom and the need to seek it with faith and humility.

Overall, Luke 17 teaches us about the importance of forgiveness, the power of faith, and the nature of God's kingdom.

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