BBN, May 30, 2024 – BREAKING - Texas launches investigation into Big Tech ELECTION RIGGING

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Brighteon Broadcast News, May 30, 2024 – BREAKING - Texas launches investigation into Big Tech ELECTION RIGGING

- Lawsuit against govt & tech for censorship. (0:03)
- Food sustainability and Southwest Airlines' power outage delays flights. (2:10)
- Outdated technology in various industries, including retail and banking. (7:13)
- McDonald's menu prices and China's robot dogs with machine guns. (13:01)
- Euthanasia in the Netherlands, including a personal story and satirical comments. (24:04)
- Government-assisted suicide and vaccine-related deaths. (29:41)
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict, genocide accusations, and international intervention. (40:09)
- Assisted suicide, depression, and government control. (51:59)
- Growing food, living life fully, and avoiding anti-human agendas. (58:23)
- Permaculture and food self-reliance with a focus on education and community. (1:05:27)
- Creating edible, ecologically rich landscapes through food forests. (1:08:20)
- Regenerating nature and sustainable living through permaculture. (1:16:39)
- Water scarcity in Mexico City and the importance of permaculture in creating resilient ecosystems. (1:19:05)
- Transforming landscapes into edible food forests with a team of experts. (1:26:36)
- Using machinery in permaculture, balancing efficiency and sustainability. (1:35:51)
- Permaculture principles, resilience, and soil fertility. (1:39:09)
- Integrating animals into permaculture systems for fertilizer and manure. (1:47:56)
- Growing food forests for sustainability and self-sufficiency. (1:56:04)

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