I Want To Make My Passion My Vocation! How Do I Overcome My Fear of Putting Myself Out There?

9 months ago

Pinky and caller Poppy dive into the challenges of feeling ready to share personal gifts with the world while grappling with the fear of judgment and failure. They discuss overcoming internal blocks, embracing self-worth, and the importance of cultivating a daily joyful practice to unlock true potential.

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This call was taken from Dear Pinky Live #6 which streamed on 29th May 2024. Watch the full video here: https://youtube.com/live/-eAZd4ck7GU

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The content of "Dear Pinky," hosted by Pinky Wilde, including guest contributions, is for entertainment and information only. It's not a substitute for professional advice in any field. Neither Pinky Wilde nor any associated parties guarantee the accuracy of the show's content and disclaim all liability for actions taken based on the show's information. If you have particular issues requiring professional guidance, it's crucial to seek advice from a qualified and experienced expert in the relevant field. In the event of a health or mental health emergency, contact your local emergency services.

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