182. The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Pandemic - Dr. Steven Phillips

9 months ago

Dr. Phillips wrote the book Chronic and its content is the basis of this video. Here is the summary of that book. The thesis is that chronic and cryptic infections cause many so-called autoimmune disorders.
Autoimmune and chronic illnesses are a global crisis, with an estimated 50 million sufferers in the US alone. In our world of modern medicine that has been able to drastically reduce both disability and mortality for so many diseases—from heart disease, stroke, HIV, and even cancer—what is fueling this seemingly unstoppable twenty-first century pandemic?

In this eye-opening, provocative book, Steven Phillips, MD, and his former patient, singer/songwriter Dana Parish, take on the medical establishment. Backed by a trove of published data, Chronic reveals striking evidence that a broad range of microbes cause a variety of recurrent conditions and autoimmune diseases. Chronic delves into the history and science behind common infections that are difficult to diagnose and treat, debunks widely held beliefs by doctors and patients alike, reveals how medicine got the facts patently wrong, and provides solutions that empower readers to get their lives back.

Dr. Phillips was already an internationally renowned physician specializing in complex, chronic diseases when he became a patient himself. After nearly dying from his own mystery illness, he experienced firsthand the medical community’s ignorance about the pathogens that underlie a range of chronic conditions—from fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis to depression, anxiety, and neurodegenerative disorders. And through his tireless investigation, he was ultimately able to put together the clues and save himself when his doctors couldn’t. Parish, too, watched her health spiral after twelve top doctors missed an underlying infection that caused heart failure and other sudden, debilitating physical and psychiatric symptoms. Ultimately, she was successfully treated by Dr. Phillips. Now, they’ve come together with a mission: to change the current model of simply treating symptoms, often with dangerous, lifelong drugs, and shift the focus to finding and curing root causes of chronic diseases that affect millions around the world.

20:02:08 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://www.itavministry.org/the-doctors-are-in
20:02:20 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://www.itavmini…" with ❤️
20:03:36 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://youtube.com/@itav
20:03:48 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://youtube.com/…" with ❤️
20:08:40 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/chronic-the-hidden-cause-of-the-autoimmune-pandemic--and-how-to-get-healthy-again_steven-phillips_dana-parish/23034683/item/45827257/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_scarce_%2410_%2450&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9MNaSE1W4W5YHtGfqQxfypURbtgttdmXOLOkGusZ0074sRYsYSS_UUaAl2NEALw_wcB#idiq=45827257&edition=24629850
20:09:18 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I have not read his book but I intend to purchase and read.
20:10:44 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Doxycycline blog
20:10:45 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.healthrevivalpartners.com/post/doxycycline
20:11:14 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Biaxin for Long-Haul
20:11:15 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.healthrevivalpartners.com/post/an-overlooked-spike-treatment
20:13:13 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I hope everyone realizes that we will NOT use antibiotics as a first line. Over the past couple of years, we have developed natural protocols that work as well or better in many cases.
20:13:31 From Martha : Reacted to "I hope everyone real..." with 👏
20:14:10 From iPad : Reacted to "I hope everyone real…" with ❤️
20:14:24 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Money
20:14:44 From iPad : Reacted to "Money" with 🙏
20:16:16 From Martha : Reacted to "Money" with 👍
20:17:37 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Terrain
20:19:07 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Stress
20:19:56 From Stephen McConnell : c 814-572-1801
20:21:19 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I am doing 50 mg niacin twice/day since meeting Dr. McConnell and I notice a definite difference with wellbeing. I measure my performance - watts, etc - and it’s up nicely.
20:22:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I do feel a slight rush in my ears and forehead.
20:22:37 From Doris Fellenz : I had chronic Lyme and doing much better now. It was hard to treat as the months went by, I was not able to walk, memory loss, not able to write, think, hard to find words when talking, so very tired and more.
20:23:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Note, they only discuss Lyme and the associated spirochetes - that do not talk about c pneumoniae and others - Kresser did mention mycoplasmas
20:23:28 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I will show an herbal treatment for Lyme disease - feel free to take a screenshot
20:24:09 From WG : I am now doing 1000mg Niacin (Inositol) bid ...started this week. Feel much better
20:25:44 From Maura : Replying to "I am now doing 1000m…"
Did you start on a lower dose and do a titration up
20:26:00 From Doris Fellenz : WG, I am reading the book: Niacin - The Real Story. I only read a little but did read the back jacket. I am please to hear that you are feeling much better.
20:26:03 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : I have not been tested for Lyme…but have fatigue. I would test if there is and accurate test.
20:26:08 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I cannot go to 500 even once/day yet.
20:26:39 From Dr. Tom Lewis : You are better off testing for EBV Sharon - this is the #1 pathogen for causing fatigue.
20:26:46 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Notice he just said “mono”
20:27:47 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : YesterdayI donated blood (4 months since I last donated) and I have huge improvement in my strength and less pain and inflammation immediately..I do believe that Iron overload is a very hidden source of aging and inflammation
20:29:07 From Donna : Reacted to "YesterdayI donated b..." with 👍
20:29:18 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Agreed Sharon - and you are “detoxing” at the same time - getting rid of senescent cells and inflammatory cytokines.
20:29:35 From WG : I respond very negarively to Pharmaceuticals, but great to good vitamins and health products..... I can take 6000 mg C right off and do it for a week with no diarrhea, yet giveme some Rx and will get n, v, d and flat on my back
20:30:25 From Wayne Jankowske : Don't most people in US test positive for EBV? If so, don't we need to test for whether it is "active" at the time of testing? Then look for the "triggers" that activate it...?
20:30:44 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you Dr. Lewis for that protocol, I took all but two of them but did also take "Transfer factor L-Plus"
20:30:44 From WG : I also take most days 1500-3000mg of NAC with Selenium A product from CHK
20:30:47 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : I know I have EBV because I had mono as a teen..Iodine helps too
20:32:29 From Doris Fellenz : Wow! Sharon. I friend also had Mono as a child and when he go Covid the 2nd and 3rd time, mono rash was all over his body.
20:32:38 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Wayne: The WBC levels and the lymphocyte levels help indicate if it is active or not - But we have shown a strong relationship between the WBCs and the EBV antibody levels.
20:33:10 From Stephen McConnell : Alka-Sauce = NO FLUSHING/“HOT-FLASH”

1-AlkaSeltzer + 3TBS Applesauce
20:33:32 From WG : I also do topical Lugol's Iodine qd until it takes 11-12hrs for stain to disappear
20:33:45 From Stephen McConnell : Inositol Niacin does not work
20:34:08 From Martha : Dr. Tom – With respect to your wanting to replace the concept of “autoimmune” with “chronic immune,” doesn’t “autoimmune” speak (more specifically) to attack of the body’s very own tissues and cells by the immune system? …whereas “chronic immune” would simply speak to the broader-based concept of “hyperactivity of the immune system” in response/reaction to anything experienced as potentially “dangerous / toxic” – whether that “allergen” arises from within the body or from outside the body… So I, personally, would not want to eliminate the concept of “autoimmunity”… – but what do I know?
20:34:57 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : My concern about alkaline seltzer and baking soda is it decreases acidity in the stomach and may invite growth of Pylori..which lot of us have
20:35:55 From Stephen McConnell : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/csn7ezhttc4eaj25bx5ej/Alka-Sauce-Protocol-to-Neutralize-the-Niacin-FLUSH-a.k.a.-Hot-Flash.pdf?rlkey=m7ghm8b76a05krxgk5qts4nzl&dl=0
20:36:33 From Jerome’s iPhone : Reacted to "I hope everyone real…" with ❤️
20:37:41 From Steve : Replying to "My concern about alk..."

My understanding is ...
20:38:42 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Here is the most panel - if you want to see the range of common stealth infectious species.
20:38:44 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://labtestshop.com/tests/vibrant-tickborne2_panel/
20:40:24 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Steve: I agree the rebound is quite but dependent upon the individual’s environment. I’m giving serious thought about having people take probiotics on an empty stomach with a little baking soda to get more into the colon through the oral route. I think the benefit will outweigh the harm even in those with serious gut issues.
20:42:12 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr. Stark: I am writing a training program on this and I am trying to differentiate inflammation / disease when there is an identified pathogen vs, say, an allergic response to a food couple to leaky gut. Here, autoimmunity is the right term. But when we know the major cause (it’s never one thing) then call it for what it is - if for nothing else, but for education.
20:42:44 From Stephen McConnell : An acute alkalination of the gastric fluid to give the probiotic a “hall-pass”
20:44:06 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Stephen: Do you think that will work or improve migration to the colon.
20:46:17 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Many people have the onset of Autoimmune after a significant trauma - such as death/divorce etc
20:46:36 From nareshchand : could you please show the slide Herbal for lyme disease?
20:46:42 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Impact of Oxidative Stress
20:47:08 From Stephen McConnell To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Yes
The benefit outweighs the inconvenience
20:47:21 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Straw that breaks the camels back
20:48:06 From iPad : Reacted to "Many people have the…" with ❤️
20:48:11 From iPad : Reacted to "could you please sho…" with ❤️
20:48:14 From iPad : Reacted to "Straw that breaks th…" with ❤️
20:48:21 From Dr. Tom Lewis : In athletics in Europe - it is called “the razor” - a sharp edge between high fitness and becoming ill.
20:48:34 From iPad : Reacted to "In athletics in Euro…" with ❤️
20:48:40 From Stephen McConnell To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Lol
20:49:39 From Martha : Reacted to "Dr. Stark: I am wri..." with 👍
20:49:42 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Stephen McConnell(privately) : I appreciate having you on especially with many new people taking niacin - support is needed.
20:50:14 From Louise Vogel : Would the slide Herbal for Lyme disease also apply to other spirochete infections?
20:50:32 From Doris Fellenz : Plus the ultra process, over process food that contribute to bad health. It might test good but so bad for us. Older people ages 75 plus that never eat junk food, process food and eat only what they cook live longer, My Uncle lived to be 100 and had all his faculties, able to walk without a can, play games, had a girl friend, cooked every day and made his own desserts.
20:50:49 From Doris Fellenz : Love this audio.
20:51:12 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Louise: I believe it is a broad-based immune support program. As you hear tonight, the main understanding is Lyme disease. That’s why I put the link to the vibrant wellness panel.
20:51:14 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : My grandmother lived to 107 - sharp as a tack - no meds
20:51:32 From Martha : Replying to "Straw that breaks th..."

Cumulative impact and then the “tipping point” triggers a “major avalanche” (in “chaos theory”)
20:51:40 From Maura : Very interesting - I have been to literally tons of doctors with uveitis - arthritis-anemia - etc and never been tested for parasites or Lyme
I live in New England - you would think it should be standard practice given Plum Island, Old Lyme Conneticut
20:52:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Bet she took castor oil and cod liver oil…. That longevity is NOT LUCK>
20:52:40 From Doris Fellenz : Wow Dr. Michelle, did you ask her what her secret was?
20:52:42 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr. Trempe tested everyone with the slightest eye condition.
20:52:56 From Stephen McConnell : Reacted to "Straw that breaks th…" with ❤️
20:53:03 From Doris Fellenz : Reacted to "Straw that breaks th..." with ❤️
20:53:41 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I have morphed to believe virals play a bigger role than I originally thought. Watch the screen.
20:54:15 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Replying to "Wow Dr. Michelle, di..."

She enjoyed life. Devout Catholic. My father cared for her - good food and supplements
20:54:23 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/my-work-investigating-the-links-between-viruses-and-alzheimers-disease-was-dismissed-for-years--but-now-the-evidence-is-building/
20:54:57 From Maura : Replying to "Dr. Trempe tested ev…"
Wow - I wish I had met him - God knows I spent enough time at MEEI - it probably could have saved my sight
20:55:17 From iPad : Reacted to "She enjoyed life. De…" with ❤️
20:55:58 From Stephen McConnell To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Gotta scoot
20:56:14 From Doris Fellenz : Put the book up again? Please
20:57:03 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you
20:57:22 From Martha : Dana Parish has indeed co-written songs for Idina Menzel – and I hope I am pronouncing / saying Idina’s name better than John Travolta did when he was introducing her at the Oscars!!
20:57:28 From Wayne Jankowske : FWIW, I've had a high NLR; albeit lower than it was when you tested it (3.45 with you vs 1.72 to 2.6). But this is more because Lymphocytes have risen to 25 (up from 20) so I've got to figure out whether still to high relative to WBC which has fallen to 5 from 6.4 when you looked at it. I've let myself get overworked the past 5 months & have promised myself to de-stress over the summer and then test and see. Despite working too much and too late, I still feel amazingly healthy ... but suspect certain markers might be moving in the wrong direction ... so I do need to check
20:57:54 From Maura : https://www.thechronicbook.com/
21:00:12 From Maura : https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fdbaf857437c553900e36f8/t/601c2211a662ae2d7b74d887/1612456466032/Chronic_Ch9.pdf
21:01:16 From iPad : Dr Gabor Mate has been talking about this lately, exactly what we are all saying!
21:01:27 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : Dr Lewis..How much castor oil are you swallowing.? I use it liberally topically but will add allen with my cod liver oil supplement
21:01:28 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you Maura, for chapter 9.
21:02:49 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I put a tablespoon of castor oil on my stir fry tonight. I do not take a spoonful - I use it like a cooking oil - but put it onto my food at the very end of cooking as it is cooling.
21:02:51 From Maura : Reacted to "I put a tablespoon o…" with 👍
21:03:07 From Martha : Replying to "https://static1.squa..."

Thank you, Maura!!!
21:03:39 From iPad : Reacted to "I put a tablespoon o…" with ❤️
21:03:47 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Does the castor oil send you to the bathroom?
21:04:49 From Martha : Replying to "FWIW, I've had a hig..."

Good luck, Wayne, with your ongoing improvement!
21:04:57 From Donna : Thank you. People really need this information.
21:05:19 From mchelle’s iPhone : Awesome info THANKYOU
21:05:44 From Maura : Great info - thank you a million - just got the book ❤️
21:05:58 From Linda : This was great - thank you!
21:06:08 From Brenda’s iPhone : Pm or am?

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