BIRD OF PARADISE | Learn Bird of Paradise Pose In 2 Minutes | For Beginner + Advanced Yogis 🧘‍♀️

8 months ago

I'm teaching you how to do bird of paradise pose in 2 minutes! You'll learn the foundations of Bird of Paradise Pose, Svarga Dvidasana, so you can confidently integrate this standing pose into your yoga practice as part of a Warrior series. This pose can be modified at accommodate both beginner and advanced yogis. This pose strengthens the lower body and core, opens the hips and groin, improves concentration, focus, and balance.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend down in forward fold. Come to the ball of your right foot and bring your right shoulder behind your right knee, taking your right hand behind your calf and pressing your knee forward to tuck your shoulder behind the knee. Wrap your hands behind your back and binding your hands by grabbing the right wrist with the left hand.
Now bend your left standing leg, firming pressing the foot into the floor for balance, to stand up until the standing leg is straight and the bound right leg is now lifted in the hook of your arms. once standing, find a focal point out in front of you to fix your gaze and regain your balance until stable. With your right leg lifted and bent in the hook of your arms, begin to straighten the knee as much as possible, using the back of your right arm to help open the hip and anchor the leg back, which also open up the chest, shoulders lifted. Hold the position for 3-5 breaths, working on straightening that leg, pulling it back and thinking about moving the leg up and closer to your head, until you're ready to come out of the pose by bending the right leg back into the hook and slowly lowering the leg to the floor, bending the standing leg, reversing the initial process. Repeat for the other side.

This asana is one of my favorites and I hope it will be one of yours too!

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