We Are All Individuals.

9 months ago

Todays scattergun topics include:-
What is the Abomination of Desolation?
“Pacifism” vs. Anti-War: do Adventists get this right?
Finally caught “Got Questions” going full-Jesuitard.
Jupiter as “Saint Peter”
“Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified...” Where is this?
Revisiting the Rochester, NY with Walter Veith.
Famous Freemasons of Canada.
Adventist Founding Father Joseph Bates on the Trinity.
How to follow a religion without following their errors?
Steve Wohlberg is a liar! (“Ceremonial Law vs. Moral Law”)
“Life of Brian”: BBC4 sets up yet another Jesuit “debate”.
John Ankerberg goes full Zionist
Was Tory Smith a real whistleblower on government pedophilia?
Doctor Sam Bailey took her Bible off the shelf, so lets attack her again!
The Church of Garner-Ted

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