Dog Carries Box Of Chicken Without Even Tasting Them

6 years ago

Dogs really do deserve their title of ‘man’s best friend’. They’re loyal, intelligent, devoted and affectionate – and are known to improve our physical and mental health. Nothing beats a long walk with your four-legged friend on a fresh, spring morning. Or seeing the joy on their faces when you pick up a ball and they know it’s playtime in the local park! Even relaxing at home feels better in each other’s company.

There’s an old saying, which is certainly true, that pets and dogs repay the love you give them ten-fold. The dog owner in this video must admit that the loyalty of a dog is matchless. No other pet has the same level of respect, care and love for its owner. Just look at these two dogs how much they love their owner when he comes back from shopping. With little sister Ellie carefully watching Max's technique, Max follows in Katie's footsteps and carries in a box of chicken and helps himself to a snack on the couch.

When their mom tells them that dad is back, Max pulls of the cutest growl ever as he zooms out of the door. They know that dad needs help with the groceries and they just love to be the helping hand that will get its prize at the end of the helping mission. So, Max and Ellie run briskly to the car and wait impatiently for their human owner to give them the desirable chicken wings. Though it looks like Max is more inclined to eat the chicken wings than to carry them to the couch, he actually resists the urge to try them. He puts the wings untacked on the sofa and because he knows he did it, he decides to treat himself to the whole package. And he totally deserves it.

Who says you can't teach an old dog a new trick!

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