Child Trafficking in Israel: Abduction of the Yemenite Children (3)

9 months ago

...The facts on the ground told a very different story: the story of tens of thousands of Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Middle Eastern countries who were coerced by the nascent State to place their children in anti-religious kibbutzim that stripped the latter of their Jewish observance and identity; the story of the State-conducted kidnapping of thousands of Jewish Yemenite children during the 1950s, in hospital at birth or torn from their mothers’ arms on the street in broad daylight, for medical experiments, sexual abuse, murder and organ trafficking; the story of “Operation Coat of Many Colors,” an international child trafficking ring based in Israel during this same period, in which Jewish children were shipped in ZIM cargo ships from Israel to the U.S., Canada and Europe as “gifts Ben-Gurion sends to the rich people”; the story of the Mengele-like Ringworm Atrocity during this same period, overseen by Dr. Chaim Sheba (venerated to this day in Israel as a founding father of Israeli medicine), involving horrific medical experimentation on Jewish children from Arab countries that left ten-thousand dead and countless others sick and crippled for life; the singling out of Orthodox Jews, ahead of all other “inferior types” and “social ulcers” trapped in Holocaust Europe, for denial of immigration certificates to Mandatory Palestine; the vast network of secret tunnels under Jerusalem and across the county where kidnapped Jewish children are taken for satanic ritual torture and sacrifice. The reality of life in the country told the story of what Israel is, not what it wants the world to believe: a Satanic dictatorship...

From "The Only Democracy in the Middle East," Bear Mountain Press

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