Store up for yourSelf treasures in Heaven..

8 months ago

When you die you can only take 3 things with you👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

1) Your character/who you become

2) Your relationships/connections (love is connection)

3) What you learn (Spiritual wisdom)

- When difficult circumstances arise in life, know that it’s an opportunity to evolve in love/evolve your character and give thanks - it’s on the edges we grow and ask how is this working for me?

- The testing of your faith leads to perseverance, and perseverance leads to character and the Universe/God is always working for you not against you and giving you an opportunity to evolve in love

- I invite you to invest in experiences that help you evolve, meaningful relationships, and learn about the Science of Source/Eternal Life Wisdom - and when you leave this earth suit you will take these things with you

- “Store up for yourSelf treasures in heaven where neither moths nor rust destroy...”

Follow for more wisdom 🙏🏽

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