WTFR The Pushback 29-05-2025

7 months ago

This week's instalment of the Pushback is hosted by Joss, with guests - Colin, Leo & Emma. We do our usual roundtable discussion around a rectangular table, & discuss all things wicked, & all things good.

Colin is becoming more in tune with nature the more time he spends there, whilst honing his skills as a facilitator for others who wish to embrace a more grounded lifestyle.

Leo should be dead - according to "medical experts" but in true Leo fashion, he's having none of it! Leo is one of the most undead people I know, which is to say he's full of vigour - especially when it comes to defending what is right, & sticking it to the man, which he & Colin did admirably on this show.

Emma covered bright shiny things in the sky, & how they might affect us over the coming week, & we discussed the chosen election date (4th July). Quelle surprise, July 4th is a noteworthy date in the Masonic calendar. Turns out it's what's called the "aphelion" which despite being the middle of summer, is actually when the earth is furthest away from the sun in its orbit. Perhaps this represents the ushering in of a dark era in the minds of the equally dark elites. Whatever... but nothing would surprise me with these psychos in charge. Left wing, right wing, I don't care, they're all a bunch of wronguns!

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