Overseas Interventions

9 months ago

Compilation Video

In the following reports on Georgia, don't expect one party to be completely correct, and the other completely incorrect. Both have valid concerns.

FirstPost Report on protests in Georgia
Pascal Lottaz Detailed commentary on Georgia
Pascal Lottaz interview with a history researcher.

In the last topic, the new historical database will be used to facilitate "Humanitary Intervention" in overseas foreign countries (although not specifically stated in the video , by using AI).

It is interesting to note that the researcher, an American, has parents from Kosovo, and wishes that "successful" "humanitarian" overseas interventions in the affairs of foreign countries occur more often.

The interviewer however, was interested in promoting neutrality and the prevention of armed conflict.

AI can be used for
(a) neutrality and protecting countries from being involved in war, or
(b) "humanitarian intervention" to achieve political goals in foreign countries by use of military force, through creating internal civil conflict and external military conflict.

While arguably humanitarian intervention is at times an attractive solution.
There is a danger that there becomes one government that is dominant. This combined with the very plausible (and over 80% likelyhood) that such a government is corrupt, leads me to prefer independence of nations, and the tolerance of corrupt governments. Because this prevents the possibility of the whole world being ruled by a corrupt government. The idea of global government, has no intrinsic basis, that good will dominate. Evil is just as likely to dominate. Therefore local, and regional governance is much to be preferred than global governance. Not because global governance is any better or worse than a regional government, just that statistically global governance is more likely to cause more harm to more people than local governance. Its as the saying says don't put all your eggs into one global basket.

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