Griffin happy she sold out Carnegie Hall takes back Trump apology — F*** him!

6 years ago

“I’m here. I’m alive. I’m just glad to be alive,” Griffin said. “By the way, I take the apology back. F*** him.” 

“I performed in Iraq and Afghanistan, two places Trump has never even been and can’t find on a map,” Griffin said, citing the story of murdered American-Israeli journalist Daniel Pearl and his mother as being the impetus for her apology.

“When I found out that I was really just kind of part of the Trump wood chipper… and I wanted to make a statement about what a misogynist he is,” she said, adding that the First Amendment was important enough for her to continue speaking out.

“I then got a call the next day [after the photo] from the Department of Justice and I was under a two-month federal investigation for conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States,” she explained. “So f*** him.”

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