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Oldest Historical 125 Images Of San Francisco Pre-1906 Earthquake Bay Area
Oldest Historical 125 Unseen Images Of Old World San Francisco, California. This assortment of images will come to us from a slew of private collections I recently gained access to. We are looking at only photographs that I have never seen presented elsewhere before. A truly unique collection. We will look at images of San Francisco from shortly after the Gold Rush of 1849 through the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the end of World War 2.
For your pleasure, I’ve divided the photographs, the first 15 minutes or so will be exclusively unseen and rare images of San Francisco Before the great earthquake of 1906, starting with the Ohlone Shell Mounds of the Bay Area. Many times finding quality photographs of San Francisco that haven’t been shared before, from before the earthquake, is difficult, but I’ve spent the last few weeks accumulating pictures, and I’m prepared to share them with you here today.
We will see countless domes, spires, antiquitech topped buildings, with stories, or floors, each 15 to 20 feet tall or more. We see symmetrical buildings, statues of the old World, wireless trolleys, and countless other details which lead us to more questions than answers. Today, let’s try and decipher this narrative together, let us take a look at the oldest, and rarest photographs of San Francisco, California.
Only a few of the fair’s many sculptures such as the Doré Vase (pictured above) have survived. The vase was created by French sculptor Gustave Doré and is an 11-foot bronze sculpture that speaks to the valued process of winemaking. Other surviving relics include the Apple Cider Press, Roman Gladiator, and two sphinxes that were part of the original Fine Arts Building’s Egyptian theme. These are the oldest objects in the music concourse area and are free to view and open to the public.
This Is The True History Of 1000 Year Old San Francisco A Real Tartarian Cities -
True History Of 1000 Year Old City Called "Golden Gate" And Later Named San Francisco, Calif. A Real Atlanteans And Or A Tartarian Cities And Who Really Built It After The 1000 Years Rapture Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ... Thereby highlighting the fact that were supposed to believe that these massive, and highly intricate stone buildings were made at a time when all we had were horse drawn carriages with relatively flimsy wooden wheels. How are people with flimsy wooden carriages supposed to lug around tons and tons of stone and tools from the quarries to the sites, without killing their animals, and hiring massive groups of men to be able to have the strength to transport and assemble these incredibly tall and heavy stone pieces.
There is some people who believe that 800-1000 years are added to our History and that fall of Rome and Jesus Christ happened much faster then we think . I tried to research this and found one great article about Italian Umberto Gallery which in 19th century photos did not have first letter M which means it is 1000 years older . Then i found some interesting coins from the past .
1000 Years Added To Our History?
Dark Ages Never Existed?
Has Our History Been Tampered With?
I ask the simple question: If Jesus Christ was a literal king on earth for a continuous 1,000 years, then is there any evidence that shows him in this role?
we look at the past with the understanding that the First Resurrection already occurred approximately 1200 years ago. The people who took part in this event received new bodies, and are now referred to as "Saints", meaning "Holy Ones". This group of people lived and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years, and still live to this present day, as they are now immortal. We take a look at relics, or the physical remains of Saints, and ponder the true importance of these objects, as it seems that relics truly act as a conduit between mortals and God.
I hope this information will give you a better foundation as you re-read the Bible, or read for the first time. I feel you will also gain a higher understanding of the Millennial Kingdom, or Kingdom of God, as the New Testament characters not only played major roles in establishing the early Christian communities, but continued their roles in the subsequent Kingdom.
Tartarians and Heliopolitans in a Little-Known Book at the James Ford Bell Library. The James Ford Bell Library holds a copy of a rather mysterious little book, published in 1689. It is a duodecimo of not quite two hundred pages, titled A Voyage into Tartary, containing a curious description of that country, with part of Greece and Turky; the manners, opinions, and religion of the inhabitants therein; with some other incidents, and it claims to be by one “M. Heliogenes de L’Epy, doctor in philosophy.” It is fairly uncommon: the English Short Title Catalogue recognizes only thirteen surviving copies, of which three are in the United States; and surprisingly few literary historians have noted its existence.
This is because A Voyage into Tartary is a book that at first sight looks like a genuine seventeenth-century travel account. Its narrator, Heliogenes, first tours parts of Greece and Turkey, describing them quite accurately in a manner corroborated by other travelers. Heliogenes then proceeds further east in the company of two friends and a fierce dog, some guides, and a translator. Various mishaps deprive Heliogenes of all his companions, one by one, until he comes to a remote location in “Tartary.” There he discovers, to his great surprise, a civilization of Greek-speaking philosophers, borderline atheists who give homage to the Sun, live in common and without the use of money, and who regard Christianity, when it is explained to them by Heliogenes, as spurious, filing Heliogenes’ New Testament among the books of “mythology” in their state library. These Greek-speakers, living in the perfectly constructed city of “Heliopolis,” turn out to be the descendants of the Athenian philosophers who had abandoned Athens after the death of Alexander the Great, heading east in search of a new life. Heliogenes lives among them for a time, and recounts various anecdotes about life in this enlightened polity, before returning home.
Now even though A Voyage into Tartary can be found listed in some bibliographies under “travel literature,” this is all obviously made-up, a familiar tactic of utopian fiction at the time, which always starts out as a “real” voyage, corroborated by (because in fact copied from) other accounts from the time, but gradually shading into more and more obviously fictional territory. The author of this example is very likely a graduate, and a fairly recent one, skilled in Greek, and a remarkable free-thinker, one who creates and obviously approves of a society from which both Christianity and capitalism have been excluded. This is a vision obviously indebted to Thomas More’s foundational Utopia (1516), but whereas More’s Utopians profess themselves willing to embrace Christianity, the Heliopolitans of this account—who think the universe has existed from eternity, and who also have embraced heliocentrism since their earliest days—have no time for the concept of revealed religion. Indeed, as their discoverer confesses, “All the while that I convers’d with them, I could not find that they had any Notion of God after our manner.” This is very strong stuff for 1689.
Monsieur Heliogenes sounds somewhat suspicious, and indeed there was clearly no such person. “Heliogenes” (“Sun-born” in Greek), a Frenchman, claims to have written his travel narrative in French, started publishing it in that language, interrupted the edition to go travelling again into the East, and returned to find his work translated into English, and ready to be published in that language. But in fact the work, despite its pretense to translation, is surely written by an unknown Englishman. His knowledge of Greece and Turkey is based on reliable sources, but his understanding of the Far East is rather shaky: he talks in terms not of China and the Kangxi Emperor, but of “Tartary” and the “Great Kam” (i.e. Khan), obvious and rather sloppy anachronisms by this date. His real interest is in carving out a suitably remote space for his utopian speculations, here expressed as a kind of classicist’s fantasy, not the only utopia of this age to set its sights on Ancient Greece as a culturally preferable world. As an eighteenth-century owner has written on the title-page of a copy in the library of All Souls College, Oxford, next door to my own college in Oxford, “Ingeniosè haud verè”— “smart, but not true.” A reader from the same period annotating the copy now in the Bodleian Library was somewhat blunter: “A novel writ by an Atheist.”
Who was “Heliogenes de L’Epy?” He dedicates his work to the Earl of Clanricarde, a real member of the Irish gentry; and he also advertises his services to English readers as a private tutor and physician, living “in Beauford Building’s in the Strand behind the Fountain Tavern, over against the Crown,” a genuine London address at the time. But this is all part of the hoax: “Heliogenes” is simply an etymological gesture towards the sun-worshippers of his Tartarian utopia, and “de L’Epy” is not a real French name. I wonder whether it is actually just an anagram for an English name, in which case Pedley is the only plausible solution. Now there was a family of Pedleys at Queens’ College, Cambridge, in the period, and John Pedley, who matriculated in 1684, before pursuing a legal career and finally becoming MP for Huntingdon in the early eighteenth century, might be one possibility—were it not that his life seems otherwise incongruously dull. So for now we just do not know who the real author was.
“Heliogenes” remains something of a mystery, but his voyage-turned-utopia deserves to be more widely remembered, and I hope that readers in the James Ford Bell Library will now find both motive and opportunity to do so.
William Poole is John Galsworthy Fellow in English at New College, Oxford, where he is also the Senior Tutor and the Fellow Librarian. His interests lie in early modern literary, intellectual, and scientific history.
Old Maps 1720 Pre United States of Tartarian and California Island Red Hair Giants -
Old Maps Pre United Stated B.C. (pre-before Columbus), will take us on a tour of pre America and the old United States. We will also explore star forts in America, old town Checagou later-Chicago, craters in the Carolinas, the noble ancient cities of the great Salt Lake, the seafaring red headed people nevada coastline indigenous tribes and the bermuda triangle area.
So Pre-Nevada Seafaring Red Hair Native American tribes/civilizations ? Red-haired Giant Cannibals at Lovelock Cave? Really? Nevada Coastline Pre 1720 ? Hey, thanks for the great question. First, I'd like to point out that the use of canoes, and in some cases relatively large boats, by the Haida, Inuit, Mi'kmaq and many others for military and fishing purposes originated in their respective coastal and sea/river-faring cultures adapting to their immediate needs. As others have also noted, Native American cultures with deep and historic maritime traditions continue to thrive all along the Arctic and Pacific North West coasts.
Despite this, however, the disparity in technology you mention can be explained in simple terms. It can be noted that many notable maritime and naval developments in the Old World were driven by the direct competition of rival and neighboring states. This constant naval arms race, particularly in the Mediterranean and across the English Channel, is a key factor (in my opinion) explaining the disparity you noted.
This lack of an immediate, direct and constant maritime threat may have contributed to the limited nature of their maritime needs. Basically, naval technology and advancements didn't develop to the extent of, and parallel to, the Old World because the (primarily) defensive and economic needs were different.
This theory of need-driven maritime advancements can also explain how other cultures sharing conditions similar to Native Americans - namely Polynesian and Melanesian - were also able to become expert navigators on the ocean.
Adding to that, unlike in North America, the conditions were also there during the earlier Classical era, and later the Islamic Golden Age followed by the Renaissance, for major scientific breakthroughs in navigation, astronomy and shipbuilding.
Edit: Forgot to add that many Old World powers maintained vast, international maritime trade networks, and later colonial holdings. These inevitably required the development of maritime capabilities and comprehensive naval doctrines that drove naval advancements forward.
Colorful tales of the American West don’t fade away easily, even when they seem to have been discounted. Take, for example, the story of legendary red-haired cannibal giants whose alleged existence in the Lovelock area centuries ago has been debated for more than 100 years. Scientists have said there’s no proof the “giants,” first described in old Indian tales, were cannibals. Chemical staining by earth after burial was advanced as a likely reason why mummified remains have red hair instead of black like most Indians in the area.
Map of North America [Codfish map], 1720
Not all of the information can be found in the Bible. Some bits and pieces come from the early church historians, that are then corroborated by repetitive themes throughout the artwork of the Kingdom period. I have done my absolute best to be as accurate as possible. Of course there is so, so much more to learn about with each saint featured in this video. But I feel that this is a solid core that you can build upon as you explore Tartaria ;).
What do you mean you’ve never heard of the lost civilization of Great Tartaria? It’s only one of the weirdest architectural conspiracy theories going. It seems there has been a monumental cover-up to hide the truth from us all about an ancient empire that’s hiding in plain sight all around us – or so a fast-growing group of pseudo internet historians would have us believe. A kingdom so vast and architecturally sophisticated as to rival even the Roman empire, many of the world’s most famous architectural landmarks across the world are claimed to represent remnants of this lost empire. The Great Pyramids, Notre Dame de Paris, the White House and pretty much any intricate building of the 19th century that features Greco-Roman, Gothic, or other styles, could be Tartarian architecture according to theorists, who argue that the complexity and beauty of these structures could not have been achieved without advanced knowledge or technology. The modern, fringe narrative posits the existence of a vast and technologically advanced empire (run by a species of human giants no less), which supposedly flourished before the modern age with the advent of free energy, advanced building techniques and flying machines until it was destroyed and deliberately erased from historical records. Still with us? If you’ve ever entertained Atlantis, take a tumble down the rabbit hole to consider the mythical kingdom of Tartaria.
Origins of the empire and history of the Tartarian civilization aren’t exactly clear. The theories can be as vague as it is fantastical. What makes the landscape murkier is the fact that ‘Tartary’ was a real historical name for Central Asia that was included on maps of the world from the 13th century all the way up until the 19th. This led some to believe that an ancient people had literally been written off the map of history. In reality, there was simply a lack of knowledge from the early geographers concerning what cultures made up that part of the world. Tartary became a general label that encompassed a large area, including Mongolia, parts of Afghanistan, China and Asia, and a people who were known for their nomadic lifestyle and their skilled horsemanship.
While Tartarian theorists, who originally started popping up in Russia in the mid 1970s, seem to disagree on a lot of things, they all agree that the remnants of this lost civilzation have been hiding in plain sight amongst our cities and towns. It is believed that the key to a lost (or buried) past is the buildings that the Western world has reappropriated. Beaux-arts architecture? Tartarian. All those fabulous buildings that popped up during the turn-of-the-century world fairs? Stolen pre-existing structures from the Tartarian Empire! As the theory goes, they were buried during a supposed cataclysmic mud flood and later excavated, resurrected and claimed by western civilizations as achievements of modern architecture.
The 1915 World Fair held in San Francisco was reportedly the largest display of Tartarian architecture unveiled. Without knowing it, thousands of visitors to these events were getting a glimpse inside an advanced culture erased from history. According to Tartarian believers, the new world powers that be have been busy manipulating of archaeological findings and trying to pull the wool over our eyes with elaborate smokescreens to hide the true origins of these structures, rewrite history and scrub the Tartarian Empire from the public consciousness. Theorists even claim the bombing campaigns of World War II were a cover up to destroy the last remaining evidence of the Lost Kingdom.
And why go through all that trouble exactly? Theorists believe that many architectural marvels from the past attributed to the Tartarian Empire were not only aesthetically significant but also functionally crucial in harnessing and distributing free energy. The technology to harness such energy was far more advanced than what is publicly known today and was widely used by the Tartarian Empire, but is now claimed to have been lost, or more specifically, suppressed by those in power after the fall of Tartaria. Why? To maintain control over energy resources and the populace, erase evidence of alternative forms of governance, technology, and societal organization, ensuring their dominance remains unchallenged.
Large and ornate buildings with spires, domes and intricate metalwork, like the Eiffel Tower for example, are ripe for Tartarian conspiracies that claim they were designed by the lost civilization to collect atmospheric electricity or other forms of natural, renewable energy, part of a worldwide system for generating and distributing free energy, accessible to everyone. It is also believed that certain architectural designs, symbols, and placements were intentionally used to encode and preserve the knowledge of this free energy system, hoping it would be rediscovered in the future.
The intricate details and specific materials used in these constructions are thought to be key components in the energy-harnessing capabilities of the buildings. You can have a field day on Youtube and Tik Tok conspiracy accounts identifying coded knowledge in so-called Tartarian architecture.
Marco Polo has also been accused of being in on the ruse, as his detailed account of life in Asia in the 13th century makes no mention of the Great Wall of China. The Tartary contingent believes it was the Tartarian Empire that built the Great Wall to keep the Chinese out. Marco Polo made no mention of the wall because the majority of it had been built in the 16th century, but details and facts aren’t something devotees of Tartary let get in the way. Another popular fake historical storyline sees Napoleon and the Tsar of Russia Alexander the 1st fighting against the Tartarian Empire during Napoleon’s failed Russian campaign of 1812.
Ornate architecture aside, it seems to be a melting pot of wild and outlandish conspiracies, a Smorgasbord of paranoid content. On the Reddit group ‘Tartaria Uncovered’ which boasts forty-three thousand members, people share their latest architectural suspects of having Tartarian origins; everything from churches and libraries to historic post offices and municipal government buildings.
If you look for them, you’ll find lost civilizations or ancient apocalyptic storylines are all over the internet. The Tartarian Empire may have allegedly disappeared, but its business plan certainly seems to be generating revenue. A quick search online and you are confronted with a plethora of Tartarian merchandise; you can get anything from books, T- shirts, pillow covers, mugs, hats and even fridge magnets. Netflix recently jumped into the fray with their 2022 series ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ where writer Graham Hancock, described in the press as a pseudo-archaeologist, attempts to sift through the sands of time to prove an ancient catastrophe wiped out another un specified advanced civilization. Many archaeologists and historians debunked his research but it didn’t stop the show reaching number 1 in the Netflix charts.
Lost civilizations are certainly not a new concept. The Atlantean hypothesis has kept a multitude of rogue scholars in the limelight for years. Atlantis first mentioned by Plato around 360 BC, was described as a utopian civilization of god-like giants who had advanced technology, whose demise also came due to a great catastrophe, only to be wiped from the annals of history. Plato’s story was almost certainly an allegory warning of the corruption of human society and the dangers of hubris, though this hasn’t stopped the story from a variety of characters searching for the lost kingdom, making the myth a part of popular culture.
Is the increasing interest in a lost Tartarian Empire just a reflection of a hypernormal society we are living in; a landscape of misinformation, deep fakes and AI-generated content? While it might not have the same status as Atlantis yet, it’ll sure make for an interesting dinner table conversation.
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 0 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Exploring Tartaria - Old World Secrets Revealed
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 1 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part I - Exploring Tartaria
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 2 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part II - Exploring Tartaria
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 3 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The King of Tartaria - Exploring Tartaria
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 4 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - Relics, Reliquaries, & The First Resurrection
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 5 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - The Ruling Class - Exploring Tartaria
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 6 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
From Atheism, Agnosticism, New Age, Protestantism, to Roman Catholicism
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 7 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Millennial Kingdom of God - Exploring Tartaria
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 8 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Magic of the White City 1893 Chicago World's Fair
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 9 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
1000 Years Added To Our History & Dark Ages Never Existed
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 10 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Church History - Complete Documentary AD 33 to Present
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 11 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Christmas Unveiled - Pied Piper - Templars Secret - Saturn's Workshop - Giants Stealing Children
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 12 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Ancient Cloning Factories - Foundlings - Incubators - Test-Tube Babies
Real Timeline Of Deception Part 13 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Homunculus Unveiled - Jesus - Artificial Generation - Liber Vaccae - Lost Esoteric Secrets
Archaix Chronology Anunnaki Sumerian Gods Crystalinks Timelines 2040B.C. 2046A.D.
Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology; exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046.
The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon) W0W - A Must See Video Lost Earth
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
The Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell Knowledge of the Heavens, Life on Earth
Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity
This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (1) Turning Inward Lost History Earth -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (2) Of Maps and Magicians Lost History -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (3) Flattening The Curve Lost History Earth -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (4) Vanishing Points and The Old Clock -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (5) The Red Shield Lost History Earth -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (6) Infiltration Instead of Invasion -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (7) Eyes Wide Open Lost History Earth -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (8) The Looking Glass Lost History Earth -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (9) Panic ! So A Must See Video Today -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (10) The Energetic Earth A Lost History -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (11) The Bumblebee and The Hexagon -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (12) Stranger Than Fiction Lost History -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (13) Down The Rabbit Hole Lost History -
Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together 8hrs. 12mins. -
A Must See Video What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together.
Secrets in Plain Sight - Secrets Inside Everyday Objects All 23 Volume Documentary -
Secrets in Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history. See how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth. The viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.
Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons; great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time.
As the series of videos reveals how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.
Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 0 - Post-Reset War of the 19th Century). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us.
Stolen History Part 0 - The Post-Reset War of the 19th Century - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -
Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 1 - Introduction).
The official version of human history is a construct of lies.
We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?
Stolen History Part 1 - Lifting the Veil of Deception - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -
Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 2 - Destruction of the Old World Stolen). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. Our we in a state of collective amnesia.
Stolen History Part 2 - The Destruction old World - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -
Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 3 - Mystery of the World's Fairs). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. This part covers the World's Fairs and the period in which they took place.
Stolen History Part 3 - The Mystery of the World's Fairs - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -
Some available information suggests that even after the worldwide, game-changing event we call the Reset or Mud Flood, there still remained countless complete and beautiful cities that were conquered by a new power elite and then repurposed as "World's Fairs".
Especially in America, the so-called New World, the many Greco-Roman cities would have been difficult to explain because in contrast to Europe, the Americas do not have an official greco-roman history.
The more carefully one investigates, the more difficult it becomes to find plausible explanations for the construction and destruction of these extraordinary and huge exhibition areas.
The official version about the World's Fairs can be summarized as follows: People in the 19th century loved Greco-Roman architecture for reasons unknown, so it was extremely important to the architects who organized the World's Fairs between 1850 and about 1914 to build in a classical style. Because of its size and expansive grounds, it was virtually impossible for guests to see the entire fair, even after multiple visits.
Most of the buildings, it is said, were made of wood, plaster and linen fiber in order to keep costs as low as possible and to be able to demolish them quickly once the World's Fair was over. However, if we take a closer look at some of the photos of these brand new buildings, doubts about the official story quickly arise. Many buildings, for example, show signs of age shortly after completion and appear to be heavily eroded - such as the "Fountain of the Earth".
If the official origin story is coherent, shouldn't these buildings have looked brand new? Instead, from the very beginning, we are looking at ancient monuments that might as well have come from the fabled Atlantis or ancient Rome.
Secret Life Of Symbols - Jordan Maxwell Knowledge Of The Heavens, Life On Earth -
Secret Life of Symbols Start with 00:00:00 World of the Occult 00:36:02 Solar Worship 01:09:26 Mazzaroth - Ordinances of Heaven 01:37:29 Creating Man in Our Image 02:11:45 Solomon’s Temple & The Ark 02:53:31 Secret Legacy of Moses 03:25:52 Saturn and Secret Societies 03:55:07 Secrets of the Dollar 04:15:03 Incorporating America 04:42:21 Dawn of a New Day
Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the elite, for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilization through the ages. All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution.
But the tip of the iceberg is that this video also perhaps has the only real video footage of Tartarian technology. At one point he explains how Cathedrals and other old buildings really work, as in that they are energy generators. And after his explanation he shows footage of them and some other buildings in action. Fully electrified and radiating with a lot of light.
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 1 Buried in Plain Sight - Lost History Of Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Or Maybe The History we've been told is a lie! Were some ancient buildings built by a different race and their true history was covered up? Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten?
Was the massive kingdom of Tartaria visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc.
I wonder if this video has been posted here before? If yes, then i am not sorry for posting it again, because its just one helluva epic video. If not, I highly recommend watching it if you are interested in perhaps how Tartarian technology worked.
Its made by a guy who calls himself Ewaranon. Its put well together with a lot of great evidence, theories and findings of multiple topics. Its a long watch, I agree.....but its divided into several chapters. I recommend watching the first 20 or 30 min and see if it interests/sparks you. It sure got my attention as Ewaranon points out a lot of strange stuff in our world....and the narrative we know from history books. I am still thinking about all the stuff he said and points out to us. As its a lot to deal with and can shake one up. I find it fascinating though.
But the tip of the iceberg is that this video also perhaps has the only real video footage of Tartarian technology. At one point he explains how Cathedrals and other old buildings really work, as in that they are energy generators. And after his explanation he shows footage of them and some other buildings in action. Fully electrified and radiating with a lot of light.
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Video LHFE Part 2 Lens Into the Past - Lost History Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Earth LHFE Part 3 Inheritors Mud, Magnificence - Lost History Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 4 Back to the Future - Lost History Of Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 5 Whispering of the Water - Lost History Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 6 Offer Us And Alchemist - Lost History Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 7 The Known World - Lost History Of Earth -
Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 8 History Of A Lost Earth - All 7 Parts Together -
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story Ever Un-Told Video Very Old 900 Images -
Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World 2,100 Photographs Ultimate Compilation 2024 -
World We Inherited Old World Photographs Over 1,000 Images Before 1900s Era -
This is a chronological list of international or colonial world's fairs.'s_fairs
World's Fair History Quick List
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball What The Hell Happened 200 Times Collection
Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball When a photo of spherical Earth is pointed out to flat-earthers, they will dismiss it as CGI in the blink of an eye; even if they haven’t done any analysis at all. They do this because their belief in flat-Earth is not evidence-based, and any evidence contrary to their beliefs needs to be invalidated no matter how. They are so used to doing it, and sometimes they become confused by it themselves, to the point that they would take the slightest hint of digital manipulation of any picture of the Earth as evidence of the flat Earth.
Mystery The World's Fairs 00 This Evidence Hidden History Chronological All World’s Fair's -
Mystery The World's Fairs 01 London 1851 Crystal Palace Works Industry All Nations -
Mystery The World's Fairs 02 Paris 1855 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 1 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 03 Paris 1867 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 2 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 04 Philadelphia 1876 Fair Centennial International Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 05 Paris 1878 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 3 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 06 Paris 1889 World's Fair Exposition Universelle de Paris # 4 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 07 Chicago 1893 World's Fair World's Columbian Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 08 Lyon 1894 Fair L'Exposition Internationale et Coloniale -
Mystery The World's Fairs 09 Nashville Tennessee 1897 Centennial International Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 10 Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 1 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 11 Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 2 -
Mystery The World's Fairs 12 Buffalo 1901 New York World's Fair Pan American Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 13 St. Louis 1904 World's Fair Louisiana Purchase Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 14 Louisiana 1904 Purchase Exposition St. Louis World's Fair -
Mystery The World's Fairs 15 Seattle 1909 World's Fair Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 16 San Francisco 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition -
Mystery The World's Fairs 17 1962 Seattle Chronological All International World’s Fair's -
Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World's Fairs 18 Before The World's Fair 1851 Thru 1974 -
Chicago Old Museum Tell About 1,000 Year 19 Old World History Of 1893 World's Fair -
Chilaga Where Chicago Is Now On Map 20 of America and 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition -
Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story 21 Ever Un-told Rewriting Recorded History -
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.
Evidence NASA Faked Apollo Moon Landing Hoax How They Do It Complete Video -
Stanley Kubrick Fake Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was A Hoax By The U.S.A. Government -
NASA faked the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing footage with the help of Hollywood veteran director Stanley Kubrick, book author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has shockingly claimed.
NASA Admits Fake International Space Station A Global World Wide Satellite Hoax -
Flat Earth 21 Questions And Answers Proving Stranger's Guide And Course Flat Earth -
Proving Stranger's Guide And Course Flat Earth A comprehensive beginners course that thoroughly explains the answers to 21 of the most frequently asked questions about flat earth. Journey through the list from beginning to end while all the "loose ends" are tied up by the time it's over. Share with you friends, family and loved ones. The #earth is most definitely #flat and it is important for us to understand.
81 Government & Affiliate Documents that admit Flat Earth It's A PDF Download.
Taboo Conspiracy Of Nature's True Flat Earth Real Time 40 Schemes From N.A.S.A.
Taboo Conspiracy and Other Video's Removed by ? Those channels have since been silenced by ? the other censor's and Nazis at Alphabet. lot's of people have provides time and time again, the very best proofs of our flat world, tests and experiments that completely debunk the heliocentric fantasy, and is also personally responsible for exposing the fakery in every supposed 24/7 sun in Antarctica video.
Flat Earth 101 Channel - Episode 14 - Eclipse Of Fantasy - (Gerhana Fantasi)
This is the number 1 question? - Flat Earthers hear, why would anyone go through this elaborate hoax? - The powers that be want to hide the truth of our existence at all costs as they do not want to have anyone/anything else in higher power than themselves. The majority of people believe they are descendants.
NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program Is Faked Yes It's A Conspiracy
NASA Admits Faking Space Part 1 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".
NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 Bonus Proof Stephen Hawking Is A Fraud Conspiracy
NASA Admits Faking Space Part 2 The Space Program and shows provable deception in the space program. NASA is a corrupt government organization. It gets worse. NASA was started to create the illusion of going into so-called (non-existent) "outer space". The truth is that no one or nothing has ever been to the fantasy known as "outer space".
Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Is As Big As U.S.A. -
Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Admiral Byrd: “An Area As Big As The United States on the Other Side of the South Pole” According most flat earthers, there’s no such thing as the continent of Antarctica. In their imagination, Antarctica is not a continent, but a long ice wall enclosing the Earth. Without having anything to prove that assumption, they look anywhere for any quote they can mine and stumbled into this quote by Admiral Byrd “Strangely enough, there is left in the world today, an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by a human being. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole from Little America.”
Mystery The World's Fairs Maybe the History we've been told is a lie! Were some ancient buildings built by a different race and their true history was covered up? Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten ? Was the massive kingdom of Tartaria visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc.
I wonder if this video has been posted here before? If yes, then i am not sorry for posting it again, because its just one helluva epic video. If not, I highly recommend watching it if you are interested in perhaps how Tartarian technology worked. I am still thinking about all the stuff he said and points out to us. As its a lot to deal with and can shake one up. I find it fascinating though.
Could it be that this civilization, split off from our official historical line of development, is behind many of the events of the 20th century?
And what of the World's Fairs? Were a large proportion of the World's Fair Buildings actually built from scratch, as the official historiography claims? There is much to suggest that the robber barons of the industrial age not only hid once widespread technological knowledge from us, but that they also hijacked some of the impressive architectural masterpieces in which parts of this knowledge was displayed.
Some of the buildings from the World's Fairs still exist today, and they are obviously not made of plaster or similar fragile materials. Were they subsequently rebuilt to be permanent structures? Is it even possible that the elaborately designed Expo sites were built with the technological capabilities of the time within just a few months, only to be destroyed again a few months later after the exhibitions had ended? Or is it plausible that after a great catastrophe the worldwide remains of the preceding high culture were not only systematically destroyed, but also pressed into an image of history imposed on us?
Some available information suggests that even after the worldwide, game-changing event we call the Reset or Mud Flood, there still remained countless complete and beautiful cities that were conquered by a new power elite and then repurposed as "World's Fairs".
Especially in America, the so-called New World, the many Greco-Roman cities would have been difficult to explain because in contrast to Europe, the Americas do not have an official greco-roman history.
The more carefully one investigates, the more difficult it becomes to find plausible explanations for the construction and destruction of these extraordinary and huge exhibition areas.
The official version about the World's Fairs can be summarized as follows: People in the 19th century loved Greco-Roman architecture for reasons unknown, so it was extremely important to the architects who organized the World's Fairs between 1850 and about 1914 to build in a classical style.
(Note: With World War I, classical architectural ambitions in Europe ended abruptly and many exhibitions also did not take place as planned. It was only in the wake of fascism that there was a return to ancient design principles, but these were often implemented superficially and were mainly applied to a few representative magnificent buildings. After the Second World War, on the other hand, classical architecture was deliberately replaced with new trends - e.g. Bauhaus and Brutalism. Officially the intention was to create an aesthetic distance to fascism, but in all likelihood its purpose was to cut the connection to the Old World through soulless, brutalistic architecture.)
No effort was spared for the world's fairs, enormous amounts of work went into creating complex statues, ornaments, columns, parks, buildings, and even the world's largest organs. No expenses were spared in the making of these massive structures. Made of plaster and linen or hemp fibers, they were only intended to last for the duration of the Expo. However the attention to detail was so great that purely visually there seemed to be no difference between the Expo buildings and the classical splendor-buildings of antiquity. The purpose of the World's Fairs was to make the supposedly "new" technologies discovered during the Industrial Revolution palatable to the masses, to create new markets. In the end, most of the buildings were torn down, with only meadows or empty parks remaining.
The concept of Atlanteans building structures and civilizations is rooted in ancient Greek mythology, specifically in the works of the philosopher Plato. According to Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced civilization that existed in the distant past, but was lost in a catastrophic event.
Pyramids and Structures
Some theories suggest that the Atlanteans built pyramids and other structures, not only in their own civilization but also in other parts of the world. For example, some researchers propose that the Atlanteans built the pyramids in Egypt and Mesoamerica, citing similarities in architectural styles and construction techniques. However, these claims are largely speculative and lack concrete evidence.
Technological Advancements
The Atlanteans are often depicted as a highly advanced civilization, with technological capabilities rivaling those of modern society. According to some accounts, they possessed advanced knowledge of engineering, architecture, and metallurgy, allowing them to build sophisticated structures and machines.
Atlantean Legacy
The idea of Atlanteans building structures and civilizations has captivated human imagination for centuries, inspiring countless works of art, literature, and speculation. While the existence of Atlantis remains a topic of debate, the concept of Atlanteans building it has become a powerful symbol of human ingenuity and creativity.
In conclusion, while there is no concrete evidence to support the claim that Atlanteans built specific structures or civilizations, the idea of Atlanteans as a technologically advanced and powerful civilization has captured the imagination of people for centuries.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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