Victory In Your Identity I Live Triumphantly in the Glory and Image GOD Pre-Destined for You.

9 months ago

Victory In Your Identity I Live Triumphantly in the Glory and Image GOD Pre-Destined for You. In this video, believers are instructed in the knowledge and understanding who GOD, The Great "I AM" is in, through, by and with them in their lives, as well as understanding who Almighty GOD says they are in Him for His Glory, Honor, Praise and Namesake.
The Principle Benefits of The Video:

1. It will help you foster a deeper, richer intimacy and oneness with The Lord GOD.
2. It will help you fortify your communication, transparency and oneness with your spouse.
3. It will give you the Foundation Building Block Tools you need to lead and mentor others effectively and successfully in business.
4. It will increase your example of a Believer before all men & women as well as strengthen your witness before them for Salvation in Christ Jesus!

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