The Outer Realm - Leo Lyon Zagami -CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLUMINATI -VOLUME 10

8 months ago

The Outer Realm Radio welcomes Leo Lyon Zagami.
Hosts: Michelle Desrochers, Amelia Pisano
Date: May 29th, 2024
Episode: 444
Discussion: Leo will be talking about his latest book " CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLUMINATI -VOLUME 10 -Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East"
- Crowley's interest and connections to Islam and Freemasonry!!!
- Mosque of the Djinn
- History of Islamic The Knights Templar, The Mystery Schools and sooooo much!!!!

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About Our Guest:
Leo Lyon Zagami has written over a dozen books, including the best seller Pope Francis: The Last Pope? released in the U.S. by CCC Publishing. In 2019, Leo moved to Palm Springs, California with his wife, Christy, who runs Cursum Perficio publishing house to avoid political and religious persecution in Europe. This book, like Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6.66,Volume 7, and Volume 9 was written in the English language, and not translated from Italian like previous books. Volume 10 is the result of almost three decades of research, personal experience, and studies conducted by the author in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and Turkey. This is his first book published as a recently naturalized American citizen.

About The Book:
The Rosicrucian manifestos, Freemasons, and the Illuminati have all been profoundly influenced by Islam and by Arabic, Persian, and Turkish culture. For example, Aleister Crowley,with is new pseudo religion, Thelema, and even Adolph Hitler,who embraced the secret practices of Turkish Sufi Freemasons.As the crisis in the Middle East intensifies, you will read about the dangerous secrets that connect the Western Illuminati and their Middle Eastern counterparts.

Earlier on, the Knights Templar worshipped a mysterious figure called Baphomet, who was inspired by a secret alliance with the Order of Assassins, a sect within the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam which laid the foundations of modern Jihadism.

Jihadists are the nail in the coffin that the Illuminati are employing to destroy Western Civilization and manifest the Apocalypse, but nobody has ever explained how they reached this crucial role thanks to Freemasonry and Sufism.

For the first time, Leo Zagami, who was once involved with Islam on behalf of the Illuminati as Khaled Saifullah Khan,helps us understand the involvement of the many different sects and denominations of this religion, and the discovery of the mysterious Cairo Lodge, whose knowledge predates the rise of Islam, in the eternal conflict in the Middle East. The author also includes personal shocking revelations about his only son now in the hands of the main Islamic representative of the World Economic Forum.

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