Sonne und Stahl :: War Drums VI :: Album: Aeon Europea

4 months ago

Konzept: Interpretatio germanica (Kriegsgebet).

Original Bild/Videokomposition. Wappen von S&S (Visual Request). ᛟ

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Album: Aeon Europea, Year: 2021, Genre: Martial Industrial, Country: DE, Label: Maltkross Productions.

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Kriegsgebet: Mars pater, obsecro hodie humiles homines tueri a comminatione inimicorum nostrorum liberati, mox pugnarent. Ego pro vestra sapientia, te duce, et ostende faciem tuam super hanc pugnam. Te oro veloces mihi constans et fortis. Quaeso ut viros fortis, zelotes, et mortifera. Barbari occiderimus hodie sacrificium erit vobis.

Father Mars, I beseech you on this day to protect us humble mortals from the threat of our enemies, we soon will meet in battle. I pray for your wisdom, your guidance, and your favor on this day of battle. I pray for you to make me swift, steadfast, and strong. I pray you make my men brave, zealous, and deadly. The Barbarians we slay on this day, shall be our sacrifice to you.

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"Jeder, der liebt, befindet sich im Krieg.“ - Ovid

...Anyone who loves, is at war... (Anyone with passions/convictions will have a reason to fight).

Alle Wege führen nach Rom...

...All roads lead to Rome... (Insofar to greater enduring European legacy i.e., Germania).

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