Polite Cats Ring Doorbell To Signalize It’s Mealtime

6 years ago

How does a polite cat can get its dinner? It rings the doorbell! No, this isn't even a joke – Lucky and Spice, the house cats, are so well-behaved they know just how to get their owner to come to the door.They are super smart and ring the doorbell every day to be fed. They have learned to do this after seeing humans ring the doorbell to be let in! In this video, the ball of ginger fur finds a perch near the front door and nudges the doorbell repeatedly with its paw. An impressive action which the cats clearly seem to know will eventually bring them the food they deserve.

This remarkable show of intelligence isn't surprising, according to experts cats have excellent mental capacity and are capable of committing specific events to memory for years at a time, particularly if those events were linked in some way to the animal feeling unsafe or unhappy. Conversely, they can also memorize things they have done in the past that have led to an increase in comfort, such as meowing for food, or – in the case of these cats - ringing the doorbell to get their food.

Not only Lucky and Spice are clever pets, they are also considerate ones. They only ring the doorbell during mealtime, around 5pm. How nice is that? Watch the impressive video below, then share it with your friends and family – and let us know what sort of things your cat has learned to do!

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