Puppy Can’t Make Up His Mind About His Friend Chicken

6 years ago

Training your dog to accept your chickens can seem like a Herculean task! Dogs and chickens don’t always make a good combo, unfortunately. Some dogs want to eat your chickens, other dogs just want to give chase. Both can be bad; chickens that are trying desperately to get away from a chasing dog - even a dog which is just playing and would never actually bite them - or they can trample each other like a mob at a rock concert.

Seven-month-old Skyler is doing his best to get Pulgoso the chicken to play with him. Actually, we are not sure if Skyler wants to play with Pulgoso or chase him away. He seems more angry than happy to play with the chick that only takes his place around the house since he is supposed to be the one in charge, being the eyes and the ears for his family. With Pulgoso in his way, that is virtually impossible, so Skyler decides to be angry and scare the chick away.

He growls, snaps and chases Pulgoso as if he wants to show the real master around the house and there is no chance he will stop barking anytime soon. As long as his uninvited friend is around him, he will behave like this. Sometimes friends can be rivals and that is not a bad thing at all. As long as they can keep their friendship alive, everything is acceptable!

So, if you’ve dreamt about having a small backyard flock of chickens one day, don’t forget the family dog. How will it react to its feathery new siblings? No worries - dogs and chickens can definitely share the same family and go on to bark and cluck about it for years to come. Training your dog to accept your chickens is something many people do successfully.

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