When a good book finds you at the right moment in life, it can become stitched in our own identity

8 months ago

"An Essay on Blindness" by José Saramago, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1998. Physical blindness to signify moral blindness and the state of dehumanization at which precipice we seem to have arrived. It is a novel: A pandemic, pandemic of blindness, infectious, starting slowly then reaching the whole society. Everyone is infected. Except one person, a doctor's wife, the only one who can see and who sometimes wishes she was blind too for she has all the responsibility of helping everyone out.
An epidemic. Saramago said: "We no longer use reason to defend life; we use it to destroy it". "My purpose was to unmask how rotten inside our society in the West has become".
#blindness, #moralblindness, #dehumanization, #personalsuccess,#society, #selfishness, #empathy, #autocracy, #literature,

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