There's More!

9 months ago

It almost looks like I mean, looking at the damage, like you could lift that thing up with a train and it'd start right up and you know, maybe you need a new hood and a bumper or something. But it doesn't look that bad. Right. You almost got to wonder if that was, let's say, a manual that was not put, you know, not putting gear or, you know, it just went down the hill or if that was

a let's see how fast we get down to sales type scenario.

You sir are correct. I don't know about the manual thing, but it was unoccupied when this crash occurred.

There you go. And I got to figure, I mean, either the the the pen, the park pen broke in the transmission or more than likely it was a manual transmission. It seems like we had a story about this a number of years ago where something similar happened and I want to say it hit a cow. I can't remember, but it was it wasn't a big deal. But this thing must have really been moving to the suspend itself between these two things. And I forget who just said it about the crane, but that's how they had to get this thing out. They brought in a crane and lifted it up out of the way. I'd like to see an after picture and also too, I'd like to see if it was still drivable.

It should be. But you put the nice bumpers in the wind. So you know, the guy in the living room might be able to unhook the winch for him and.

So this Jeep slammed into the side of the house just after nine a.m. Early morning drinking is a thing. But but it wasn't in this case. Well, I don't know. It could have been the person could have been drinking when they got out and didn't set the break or the put it in something other than neutral. So the resident of the house had just walked into the laundry room. It's a good place if you think about it. If somebody's going to hear a loud crash in your house. Although I think the bathroom would have been a little bit better.

Yeah. Yeah. You imagine sitting on the throne, look all sudden, look up and there's a winch and a bumper sitting there.

It's a whole lot went wrong to get up to that point. Our day three of constipation that was just suddenly cured. Yeah.

Try to put a positive spin on it. So as I said before, it appears that the Jeep was not occupied, but it rolled down a hill. The Jeep Wrangler had enough forward momentum and distance between the wall and the house was just wide enough for the two door Wrangler to be suspended all night.

Almost perfectly horizontal. I still find that amazing. Well, it looks like it's like there's probably eight feet of clearance below that thing in the ground. Like you can easily walk under that thing. So do you guys, you guys see the door there in the hall? I mean, in between the wall and the thing, I'm thinking, you know, he hears the crash or the resident hears the crash, goes to the door, looks out, doesn't see anything.

Because the Jeep is up so high. You can't park there. Yeah, exactly.

And if that thing was any slower, it looked like it would just hit that wall and just nosedive right in that little valley section there. Yeah, that's what I would certainly have expected. But no, that's not the way it worked out. So, and I have this, it was a really short story that I found about this. So, but I did say there was no injuries and other than a damaged hood, it looks like the Wrangler JK fared well. Does that look like a JK to you guys? I'm thinking it's like a Sahara or something with that, that sidestep that's on there. Yeah, I think that's a JK with that side marker on the front fender there. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Definitely not a TJ and it doesn't have that little thing like the JLs and the JT have just behind the front flare on the main panel there. So it's definitely not a JT or JK, I'm sorry, a JL. So anyway, I think this, and I don't know, I mean, the house, the owner of the house is certainly going to have some damage there that has to be repaired. But I think that it's relatively minor. I doubt very seriously that it made it all the way through the wall, although I could be wrong. I mean, it looks like all the bricks are knocked out. So, you know, usually that's just a fascia. So it's probably leaning up against the studs and that ball there. But it looks like another five or six feet and he'd have found the power boxes sitting there. Oh yeah. That could have been interesting.

Well, I'm hoping the Jeep is still running, has a minor and the insurance, the JK probably still has full coverage on it. Hopefully the insurance takes care of it. And maybe they get some, some upgrades while they're at it. There you go. Time to replace those faded fenders. Yeah. The angry girl.

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