Homeschool Curriculum: Spelling and Handwriting

7 months ago

In today's video I share what we will be using for our reading and spelling. I've been using this same curriculum since my oldest started Kindergarten and I love it. I did use something else for a year but went right back to this after not liking the other one. I forgot to mention that there is a teacher’s manual for handwriting, but I didn’t find it necessary. I hope this video is helpful in helping you to choose your Handwriting and Spelling Curriculum. If you think a new or veteran homeschool mom may benefit from the information I share in this video, please share it. Feel free to follow me if you're new to my channel. Like and comment as well if you wish. I love being able to respond to other homeschool families. It's fun sharing tips with each other. #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #curriculum #homeschoolcurriculum #education #books #largefamily #spelling #handwriting

Here’s is a link to the company I featured in this video:

What I am using for 2024-2025:
(Level K Handwriting)

(Level C Handwriting)

(Level A Spelling)

(Level D Spelling)

Follow me on Instagram if you would like: pocketfullofarrows

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