Q: Treasure Island “We have the gold” and Walmart, Tironianie on Telegram Mon. 27 May 2024

8 months ago

Q: Treasure Island “We have the gold” and Walmart, Tironianie on Telegram Mon. 27 May 2024
• With founder of Walmart Bill Walton dead at 71,Walmart will be the last. They are saving the Child Traffickers for last.
• Remember all the recent Tornados in Oklahoma and Arkansas? Most of the Waltons were either born or currently live there. Clintons also.
• The Yellow Brick Road is paved with the bodies of Children & Gold.
• Gold was discovered in Northern California in 1849. The Gold continues downward thru the Sierra Mountains. The Gold may have been more specifically Aztec gold.
• During World War II, Treasure Island became part of the Naval Base. The Government would build military bases to protect their power and assets. There is a nuclear training center on the island. Keep in mind the corruption is all reliant on who owns the top and we know now that most of our Presidents were corrupt.
• The Navy allowed Anton Lavey founder of the Church of Satan to host weddings, and baptisms on the island. So that in itself says a lot.
• If you look at the Naval Base on Treasure Island the barracks tell a story of their own. X marks the spot after all. But what else does that symbol represent in your mind? How about Walmart??? That is the exact look of their logo which also happens to be Gold!
• The conspiracy claims that Walmart is one of the biggest leaders of this Human Trafficking front. Lets face it theirare multiple Walmart's in every city across the US this is why small businesses don't stand a chance. When I lived in Europe I never saw a Walmart and small business flourished. Walmart also has a missing children's poster in the front of many of their stores similar to the days of the milk carton.
• So I looked into the Walton's tie to San Francisco and what do you think I found? Walmart's headquarters were in Arkansas. But guess who was on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - Shamann Walton. There are 11 seats on the SF Board of Supervisors and they are all Democrats. Some other names on this board jump out at me as well. Matt Dorsey reminds me of Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter. His District overview includes both Treasure Island & Alcatraz.
• The Navy created a full size mockup of a navy ship dubbed the USS Pandemonium (PCDC-1). Radioactive materials were placed on the land-locked ship to train crews in radioactive detection & cleanup.
• The Pandemonium remained in use until July 1969.
• Treasure Island was closed on 30 Sept 1997, as a BRAC III Major Closure. After the closure of Alcatraz 6 miles away in 1963. The tunnels from Alcatraz act as the Yellow Brick Road for Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking and the Hoarding of National Treasure (GOLD). You can then follow the Yellow Brick Road up to Bohemian Grove where the cabal worships Molach.
• After the Navy base shut down two offers were made on Treasure Island for over 250 Million but Congress optedthe property to the city of San Francisco for FREE, under Section 2711 of HR 2647. Sounds like that land is very valuable to them....Remember in the movie the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantès got revenge after finding the gold in the water off the coast in a cave.
• There are Villages on Treasure Island including a community of town homes & flats.
• California State Legislature created a "special" reuse authority for Treasure Island.
• There is associated submerged property on Treasure Island that the TIDA State Agency staffed by the San Francisco Mayor's Office London Breed is responsible for. (London Has Fallen) Who else wants to know what treasures are under the island?
• A quick Google search came up with tons of dead bodies found on or around Treasure Island. Were they Satanic rituals or did they find the Gold??? 💰 🙏


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