INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Transferred Another TPN Client Home After Many Months inHospital in Melbourne

8 months ago

INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Transferred Another TPN Client Home After Many Months in Hospital in Melbourne

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality services for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and also otherwise medically complex adults and children at home including Home BIPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), Home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), home tracheostomy care when adults and children are not ventilated. Also, we provide Home TPN (total parenteral nutrition) services. We also provide home IV potassium, home IV magnesium infusions, as well as IV antibiotic infusions at home. We also provide port management, central line management, PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line management, Hickman’s line management as well as palliative care services at home including ventilation, weaning at home.

We are also providing for emergency bypass services where we send our critical care nurses into the home to bypass ED (Emergency Department) presentations. We have done so successfully in the past for the Western Sydney Local Area Health District in touch and we’ve prevented many emergency department admissions as well.

So today, I want to talk about a recent case study or a current case study where we have taken someone home from hospital who has been in hospital for 6 months out of every year for the last 5 years because of TPN. TPN is Total Parenteral Nutrition and with TPN, patients either have a central line, a PICC line, a Hickman’s line, or a port, which is a skill of a critical care nurse to manage that port and the TPN connection and disconnection. That was one of the reasons why this particular client has been in hospital for so long.

Finally, we managed to take her home with our critical care nurses so that she can stay at home and have TPN at home rather than more or less living in hospital because that’s what this particular client unfortunately did.

What is needed for that? What is needed is a script for TPN from a doctor, of course. What is needed is ongoing pathology so that electrolytes can be monitored, the dietitian is involved, of course. Dietitian is needed, gastroenterologist who’s prescribing the TPN, and obviously, then there’s a team of critical care nurses needed who can facilitate the connect and the disconnect because I know there are many people stuck in hospitals with TPN that can go home.

It’s important that you get this message. It’s important that services are available for you. I don’t want to make this video too long today, but it’s really important that what we do for our clients and how quickly we can help you.

This client went home from an inquiry to us. Probably within a couple of weeks, she was finally at home and now she’s been at home predictably. I guess that’s another important thing, you want to stay home predictably whether it’s for ventilation, tracheostomy, BIPAP, CPAP, ventilation, tracheostomy without ventilation, whether it’s like the TPN, you want to stay home predictably and you can do so with critical care nurses with Intensive Care at Home. We put our money where our mouth is.

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