2 Guys 1 Coup Episode 211 - Judge Merchan's Corrupt Election Interference

9 months ago

In today's episode, we discuss the corruption at the hand of "Judge" Merchan, the dishonorable Judge Merchan we should say. The unconstitutional, bogus trial against President Trump is now in the hands of the jury, which has been instructed to pick a crime, any crime, and even if all the jurors do not agree, oh well, they can still convict. Also, to prove that the Biden administration is not behind this threat to democracy, they trot out a has-been, angry, senile actor to do their dirty work with a scripted message, the results did not turn out like they thought they would, as most results construed by the Potato in Chief. Also, the city of Denver is offering advice to other cities on the proper treatment of "newcomers", yes, newcomers, the latest and greatest proper way to say illegals. It seems there isn't enough copper in the world to handle the industry-crushing EV market, and last, 13 counties now join the fight for secession from one western state. All this, and as always, so much more.

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