Water Heater Gas Pipe Assembly

9 months ago

Water Heater Gas Pipe Assembly

Water Heater Gas Pipe
Water Heater Proper Gas Assembly At Control Valve
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In today's video, we're going to walk you through our preferred process before installing any gas water heater - preassembling the gas line and cut-off at the control valve.

We begin our journey with a look at various black iron pipe nipples of different sizes that are integral to this process. Remember, with any gas line that uses threaded pipe, you should always apply pipe compound on each connection to ensure a secure fit.

Watch as we meticulously install the ½ black iron pipe tee. It's all about angles here – we position the fitting at just the right angle to avoid unnecessary back-turns.

Ever heard of a drip leg, or maybe you know it as a dirt leg? We're installing one in this video, and we'll explain its crucial role in preventing trash or condensation from reaching your gas control valve. Spoiler alert: It involves a 6" black iron pipe nipple with a cap on one end.

Then, it's all about the short nipple and the black iron pipe union. We're installing these to make your life easier in case you need to replace your water heater in the future.

In the midst of all this, you'll hear the soothing sounds of our old water heater draining out in the background. As we approach the end of our tutorial, we'll be showing you how to install a gas ball valve, the kind of gas valve you'll definitely want to use.

By the end of this video, you'll be a pro at preassembling a gas line for a water heater, and you'll see why we always recommend putting the union before the gas cut-off valve.

We hope this video will help you in your DIY home improvement journey! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth tutorials.

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Claude Taylor
B.O. Box 1251
New Waverly, TX 77358

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