We Have No Choice

9 months ago

THe Debt is 35 Trillion Dollars and continuing to grow at a trillion dollars every hundred days. Only 18 percent of the budget is discretionary, which included the Defense Dept. The so-called non-discretionary spending is mostly entitlements and makes up over 80 percent of the budget. The country has no choice other than reform the entitlement programs and head towards private accounts for Social Security and Medicare and private charity for the poor. The current Path is unsustainable, but politicians in both parties lack the will to take action to reduce the debt. Most think they go to Washington to spend money and get reelected. Very few are statesmen. These out-of-control entitlements were all about control when they were passed. FDR and LBJ and the Democrats wanted to people to continue to vote Democrat for their pittance. Social Security and Medicare are Ponzi schemes, it is impossible for them to sustain themselves. We have no choice other than to move in a private direction.

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