Judge Napolitano | Max Blumenthal: The Media and Oct 7th Truth

8 months ago

May 23, 2024.

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom

Max Blumenthal:

The Palestinians say, "The Israelis punched us in the front, but it was the Arabs that stabbed us in the back."

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom





Wings008 commented on Judge Napolitano and Max Blumenthals discussion on The Media and the October 7th Truth.

Wings 008 says:

This is a game changer, and the only small part the media is showing is what Professor Jeffrey Sachs says about President Putin. The rest of the 2 hours and 40 minutes is the greatest reveal in US history and deserves a solid hearing.

Here is the interview information:

Tucker Carlson interview with Jeffrey Sachs:

The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID’s Origin

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development at Columbia University.

He is the author of many best-selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization.

Interview link:



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