Here Are Jill Biden's Reasons Why You Should Vote To Reelect Her Husband (Beverage Warning)

9 months ago

As you know, we've come to know that there are two President Bidens: The one we see and hear with our own eyes and ears, and the Biden that exists behind the scenes and is "sharp as a tack." First Lady Jill Bi… er, DR. Jill Biden… was on Good Morning America earlier and explained why Americans should vote to reelect her husband, and she must have been referring to the "behind the scenes" Joe with these remarks: Jill Biden, Ed.D.: "We can have my husband, who is calm and steady and strong and has character and integrity…" 🥴 Seriously? Dr. Jill could have just said "because I really enjoy the perks of living in the White House" but that's what she went with?

• More at: Twitchy - Here are Jill Biden's Reasons to You Should Vote to Reelect Her Husband (Beverage Warning)

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