Starmer's Racism Double Standards Blown Wide Open Over Diane Abbott.

3 months ago

Right, so what damage will Keir Starmer have done for effectively throwing Diane Abbott out of parliament then? Well, the polls are showing Labour flying high still aren’t they? Still too early to reflect fallout from his abuse of Abbott, those big 20+ leads still showing Labour on course for a landslide, but based on what in and of themselves and actually some of the latest polls are showing a narrowing in Labour’s lead and I should think so too as more and more, Starmer’s Labour is being shown, being exposed to be a racist endeavour, now acting desperately to try and secure it’s Muslim vote, the results of recent by-elections and local elections have not demonstrated Labour really has a huge poll lead and this latest business involving Diane Abbott, a leading black female MP, the very first this country has ever had, compared to the treatment other Labour MPs, white MPs have got, for doing or saying far worse than Abbott was accused of, getting away with no repercussions whatsoever and nothing will underline that more, if Abbott’s seat goes to a white man next.
Right, so Labour’s racism is so bad now, has been for some time, so much so that it is referred as Labour’s Hierarchy of Racism, the only party that claims to be combatting it, by prioritising one form of it over another and slowly but surely a tightening in the polls is appearing in places, not everywhere, those poll leads stubbornly giving Labour a massive lead, electoral calculators predicting landslides are starting to look more and more fanciful and although you can be lulled into a bit of a false sense of that via social media, risk being caught in a bubble of like minded people if you aren’t careful, with mainstream media carrying some pretty damaging stories already for Starmer & Co, finally getting exposed to more people for the liar and authoritarian that he is and of course some events that have happened quite recently won’t yet be reflected in voting intention. So as much as YouGov might be giving Labour a 27 point lead, eliciting much joy from the Carol Vorderman’s of this country, others, for example JL Partners, the previous latest poll prior to YouGov, gives Labour just a 12 point lead. Both would give them majorities. Polls are conducted amongst select people who join such bodies and are based on questions each devise and on their own are largely meaningless, trends will be interesting to observe though and I fully expect them to tighten further as the election campaign wears on.
The Tories in my view deserve extinction, but the reality is they’ll likely only drop so far and Labour’s polling isn’t necessarily reflecting the problems they are clearly having that are being rapidly exposed.
Israel and Gaza continues to be an issue, but for how many will it end up being an election issue and are any of these polls factoring this in? Starmer continues to deny he ever said Israel had the right to commit war crimes, but this video clip that shows him saying it, will not go away: He sided with Israel, he remains on their side, he is a Zionist without qualification and has never apologised for saying what he said there, denying it ever happened instead. Starmer the liar.
Then there is the matter of Labour policies barely being any different from the Tories. One of the worst is the two child benefit cap, something he said he’d ditch, but now is keeping it and it’s all based on not having the money. The money is there if he makes different choices of course, he could choose to tax the rich more, but won’t, because ultimately they are who he wishes to represent. He wants our votes, he talks of service in his speeches, but that isn’t service to us and he talks of change, but the change is not one of policy, but of who Labour is filled with – Tories welcome, but the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott are not.
Diane Abbott of course is a significant figure right now. I went over her case in a video yesterday, her suspension from the party over a reply in a newspaper, the wrong version of which sent in error. That time was running out for her to have her investigation completed so she could stand for parliament again, and Starmer telling all, even up until yesterday that it was for the NEC to sort out and resolve, only to discover they resolved it back in December and Starmer has been lying about this. Now it emerges, that she has had the Corbyn treatment too – allowed to have the Labour whip back, but barred from being allowed to stand for parliament again for Labour. A 37 year political career, history making as the first black woman MP, and out the door she goes. Yet other white MPs, who did a lot worse than her, have not had any action taken against them at all. What Starmer has done to Diane Abbott is nasty, vindictive and cruel, but above all racist. She has broken through as a figure of inspiration for so many, she has laid the groundwork for other black female MPs who have followed in her footsteps and has taken more racist abuse than any other politician and if all you can do is think of times she muddled a sum up, or fluffed her words, or point to this incident that she was suspended over, sending the wrong version of a letter to the Observer, which ended up implying she thought some sorts of racism worse than others – which is literally what Starmer’s Hierarchy of Racism, the term coined by Martin Forde KC in the Forde Report investigation into Labour Party abuses indicated is what actually happens in the Labour Party he leads - you are frankly as bad as every other racist who has attacked her, because she has been so much more than that. Starmer’s actions can quite easily be construed as Labour now joining in on that pile on. Barry Sheerman, the outgoing Labour MP for Huddersfield, made a comment on there being a run on silver shekels after 2 Jewish businessmen were denied peerages, he got away with an apology despite demands he lose the whip over it. Steve Reed referred to one of those aforementioned Jewish businessmen as a puppet master. He got away with an apology too. No suspension, no investigation, no nothing.
Then there was the case of Neil Coyle who was suspended for having racially abused a journalist and who also had a sexual harassment case upheld against him was admitted back into the party after a period of suspension, before the investigation into his conduct was even concluded. Diane Abbott’s case was concluded 5 months ago and she was kept out still. Three white male MPs treated very differently to one black female MP – that is a message screaming out at the country right now, sends a message to voters that within the Labour Party there is one rule for black and brown MPs and another rule for the rest and if you’re in an ethnic minority, I’d be running a mile from a political party run like that, but it actually gets even worse than this.
You see, Labour under Starmer know all about Diane Abbott’s abuse, an abuse they are now complicit in by blocking her from standing for Labour and by treating her so differently to other Labour MPs, because when an abusive attack recently came from a Tory donor, Frank Hester, demonstrating that when it comes to the morality stakes, the Conservatives are equally as bad as Starmer’s Labour is, but just going that one step further, Labour decided to use that attack by a Tory donor, to raise money for themselves. They literally rode on Diane Abbott’s abuse to solicit donations, when Abbott herself is so we’re told now, no longer fit to stand for the party and the irony of that letter now in light of what they’ve done to Abbott since is staggering:
‘This is disgraceful, The Tory Party’s biggest donor, Frank Hester, has been exposed for making racist comments. You can find what he’s alleged to have said for yourself, it’s all over the news.
We are fuming. £10million in their election fund from this man and they are not giving it back.
A huge amount of money, adding to their already huge financial advantage. They’re so desperate to cling onto power that they’ll happily ignore the racism, cover their ears and spend every penny…
Their pockets are deep, but if you donate today, you can help us make real strides to close the huge fundraising gap between us and the Tories.’
Their racism is worse than yours now then is it? Are you ever going to act on the findings of the Forde Report which exposed multiple problems within the Labour party on the matter of race, as well as other forms of harassment and bullying? Of course not, that’s well buried now isn’t it?
And to sink even lower, another alleged aspect to this that was outlined on Newsnight last night for Abbott’s appalling treatment at the hands of her own Party, such as it is under Starmer’s rule, is that she is a reminder of the Jeremy Corbyn era of leadership and therefore cannot be allowed to stand for that reason. She is a reminder of failure. Well please point out where that is a rule breach in the party rulebook for one, for two, it isn’t true, her legacy goes back 37 years, Corbyn grew the party to the largest in Europe and Starmer drove them all away again, along with all the money Corbyn had brought into the party. Of course Corbyn’s tenure was marked by false accusations of racism and that has been handily exposed as well, as Luciana Berger, little miss I need a police escort to get around Labour Conference, but didn’t, spoke the day before yesterday to the Labour candidate for Finchley and Golders Green, the seat Berger herself stood for in 2019, for the Liberal Democrats, having left Labour gone to the funny tinge party, Change UK, so called because fellow Red Tory deserter Angela Smith made the appalling remark about non white skin, in front of non white journalist Ash Sarkar, so no issue with the racism there it seemed. But she was talking to Finchley Labour candidate Sarah Sackman, about how Labour is now anti racist again and safe space for Jewish members. 24 hours later and Diane Abbott’s career as a Labour MP had a clock set on it by force. Some people matter more than others. Labour’s Hierarchy of Racism.
Will all of this affect Labour’s electability going forwards? I’m not a fortune teller, but it damn well ought to. If you’re still planning on voting for a Labour party that acts like this, treats certain demographics worse than others even amongst it’s MPs, why would you put them in power? You might want the Tories out, but how is this better? The policies are certainly no different either.
To get the full story on Diane Abbott’s appalling treatment, what has happened in the last few days that has been so explosive and the details of her mistreatment that has now finally come to light check out this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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