Facing Terminal Cancer: Dealing with Stress and Emotions

9 months ago

Facing Terminal Cancer: Dealing with Stress and Emotions

We talk about facing terminal illness and dealing with stress and emotions when facing terminal cancer. This is a cancer diagnosis story about coping with cancer. We also talk about coping with cancer for family members. Living with cancer can be a challenge, and sometimes cancer caused by stress produces more stress and cancer anxiety. We discuss how to support someone with cancer, tips on how to survive cancer. In this we also talk about spontaneous healing stories and how to deal with low survival rate of your terminal illness.
Jeff Boothman is a cancer survivor who was diagnosed with T Cell Lymphoma. He had multiple surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and other complications. He is the author of “How To Be A Cancer Patient”, in which he hopes to share his life-saving advice with anyone and everyone who needs it – from patients to healthcare professionals.

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- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-boothman-35b2641/
- Get his book How To Be A Cancer Patient: A Proven Approach for Optimizing Your Role in Your Cancer Treatment: https://amzn.to/3UYnMOt
- His website: https://jeffboothman.com/

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