Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - Session 04 with Chuck Missler

9 months ago

Take an amazing tour of the entire Bible with Dr. Chuck Missler in 24 one-hour sessions that will move quickly and give anyone a birdseye view of the major topics of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Session 04: The Patriarchs Genesis 12-50. We challenge you to watch the entire series covering all the major themes & doctrines of The Bible.

Session 04 of 24 Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written? The History of The Patriarchs Abraham to Joseph Genesis 12-50.

Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information – providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us, and to the world at large.

Examine the heroic tales of Exodus, the lasting wisdom of Proverbs or even the enigmatic imagery of Revelation with the simple, scripturally sound insights and fresh perspectives found in “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours.” Whether you want to explore some of the less-discussed nuances of Scripture or you need a comprehensive refresher course on the Bible’s themes and stories, “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” is a great guide.

Dr. Missler combines his life-long love of Bible teaching with more than 30 successful years in the business world and a distinguished military career to bring you this unique perspective for attaining Biblical knowledge. In just 24 hours you can have a rock-solid foundation for a lifetime of spiritual enrichment.

Enhance your study with the “Learn the Bible Workbook” (to be used in conjunction with the audio/multimedia materials as an aid to study).

Products & Series for Homes studies can be found at Khouse Ministries.

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-Purchase USB & Downloads: https://store.khouse.org/products/learn-the-bible-in-24-hours-group-study-pack/

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