Saturday Studies Genesis 6 6-1-2024

9 months ago

Genesis chapter 6 deals with the Sons of God taking wives of the daughters of men that resulted in a hybrid race of men of renown, known as the Nephilim. There are two opposing views to who the "Sons of God" were: the more popular and more recent view is that the Sons of God were descendants of Seth who then married daughters of Cain. The view that it appears the early Church fathers and the Dead Sea Scrolls take is that the Sons of God are angelic beings, in this case, fallen angels who rebelled against God, left their first estate, as Jude put it, and cohabitated with human women which resulted in the Nephilim being born.
My opinion is that based off Scriptures in Job and other places, the Sons of God were fallen angels and used by satan to attempt to corrupt the human genome in trying to thwart God's redemptive plan for mankind through the coming Messiah.
This situation brought about the depraved, sinful condition of mankind on the earth at that time and resulted in God judging the world and all living things by the Flood of Noah.
Noah walked with God and the Bible said he was "perfect in his generations", which I believe speaks to the fact that his family bloodline had not been corrupted. Since he found grace in God's eyes, God used him and his family to repopulate the earth after the Flood

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