🤮🤮🤮 In the late 1960’s, U.S. government bioweapons labs started injecting,

4 months ago

ticks with exotic diseases.
Soon, people nearby began to get those diseases. Now, tick-borne Lyme is endemic. Naturally, the government has admitted nothing, which leaves us with lots of questions.
Today Tucker Carlson is joined by Kris Newby, author of “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons,” to answer some of our questions.
About the photo:
NATO is forming a network of cyber laboratories along the perimeter of Russia's borders
RIA Novosti quotes Artur Lyukmanov, the president's special envoy and director of the International Information Security Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, as saying that such laboratories already operate in Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Romania, while Georgia and Moldova will soon join the list.
"Washington has long been practicing methods of hybrid warfare against Russia in the information space. Ukraine is used as the main testing ground, whose hackers, including the touted "IT army", carry out electronic sabotage under the tight supervision of NATO curators," Lyukmanov added.
Source: https://ria.ru/20240525/lyukmanov-1948182039.html
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There are four types of people that wear masks:
and fools...
Which one are you???

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