X22 Report-3364-Green New Scam Done-Rate Cut—16 Year Plan Used Against DS-Serve From Jail?-Ad Free!

4 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3364a - Green New Scam Is Finished,Rate Cut Prepped & Ready, Is The [CB] Attacking Bitcoin?

The green new scam is finished, the people see through it all. The money is gone and nothing promised has been built. College students will not be able to find jobs with their majors, that is why Biden is cancelling student loans. Stores closing, we are in a recession. Fed says couple more months with low inflation we could see a rate cut.
Ep. 3364b - 16 Year Plan Used Against The [DS],WWIII, Can You Serve From Jail? It Had To Be This Way

The [DS] is now scrambling, they are using Trumps trial as their campaign. Biden will use J6, his imprisonment to push the message Trump is a threat to democracy, but this will boomerang. Trump is using the 16 year plan against the [DS], WIII is approaching and countries are now preparing. If they find Trump guilty he will resonate with the people, he will become more powerful than the [DS] could ever imagine, it had to be this way, it's about taking back this country. 
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