126 Year old Jamrud Railway Station & Khyber Steam Engine Safari | British Landmark 1898 AD.

9 months ago

nglish Documentary on #Great #Game #Khyber #Pass #Railways #Jamrud #Peshawar #Station Built Year #1898. as Part of Khyber Pass in Jamrud Peshawar City of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa made by #British Raj for #Military Purposes.

Khyber Railways and Steam Engines it was never used for Trade since World War-1 , even when Afghanistan depended Entirely for its Trade on Port of Karachi Pakistan as Economic Starvation was Policy of British and Later Pakistan government for Afghanistan

This Railway line was Never used for Trade or Passengers which was done via Roads in Great Game Wars of Conquest of Afghanistan as Center of World in 1980,s and 90,s and this Policy Continues
to this day .

This Railway Station can Benefit Peshawar as Basis of Trade , Tourism and revenue Generation , as it is Situated Right Next to Jamrud Fort that has historical Importance for Peshawar as Battle of Peshawar Happened Here in 1837 resulting in total Annihilation of Sikh Empire .

Afghanistan is Known as Grave Yard of Empire and the Great Game is played in Past as Currently even when people know that it has been the Place where the Empire Expire .

Great Game that was Fought between British Empire and Russians continues to this day as wars of Super Powers between USA and Russia now and the Importance of this Railway Track has not Diminished as Now China wants it to Connect it to Afghanistan

It can also Serving as Important Means of Transport in Inter city Railway as Peshawar is becoming Congested .

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