Government corruption? OR honest mistake? Lake George, New York & The Adirondack Park Agency

9 months ago

My area, Lake George, NY... The base of the Adirondack Mountains... a pristine area that is SUPPOSED to be PROTECTED is now under attack by chemical companies. WE are all under attack who live here & visit & cherish this area.

If you want to help preserve the Adirondacks and Save America LITERALLY, make a Rumble account RIGHT NOW & SUBSCRIBE & STAY CONNECTED HERE!

Rumble is a NY based video channel who is allowing free speech so support them! This is an invaluable resource!

Just like Lake George, and the entire Adirondack Park.

I lead by example; I'm throwing down with my own talents & in my own way... which happens to be teaching about Natural Health through online videos & in person too. & educating mask holes. ;) Anyone who forces medical interventions or chemical poison... that's a maskhole! LOL So now I HAVE TO Get more involved in my community & make sure we're all at "fight weight" here!!!!! Knowledge is power baby lets expose these criminals in our government & remove anyone who is NOT serving the local community. We need to protect ourselves. Enough is enough. Our country is about to allow this infection of literal nazis & commis in our government to "septic shock" freedom so to speak... aka: you'll kill freedom; septic shock is when you die from an infection.

In this video you'll see I TRY to submit a "public comment" which I was told at the town meeting thing yesterday that we had an opportunity for a few days (such a short time, and they don't INFORM the locals, it's not like it's on the news or they get a letter delivered informing them.. like imagine if MY FLYER was sent to every home... I bet you a lot more ppl would be concerned).

Anyways, I try submitting a comment but it doesn't work! Why? What do I DO NOW? My voice is not being heard just like at the town meeting yesterday when they VOTED BEFORE LISTENING TO OUR SCIENCE & CONCERNS!

You can skip through the part where I am forming my opinion/thoughts and typing if you'd like but I thought it would be fun to teach others and lead by example and show the full video not cut out too much.

So yes, please help in any way you can, you can see in this video and my other one I just did about ProcellaCOR poison herbicide we have a LOT to be concerned about and need SWIFT ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN TO RECTIFY THIS ALARMING SITUATION! Forced poison...

Here's my first video discussing my concerns & some science involved with this poison herbicide:

PLEASE BE THE HANDS OF GOD, WE NEED SWIFT ACTION LIKE I SAID TO DEFEND OURSELVES & SAVE OUR COUNTRY!!!! We can't leave our children under control of corrupt nazis & Commis as shown in my content if you're a scientific mind and take the time to evaluate my arguments, concerns, science, & historical evidence.

Thanks for being here & thanks for your time. If you're from my community... let's connect! We need to work together. Team Work makes a DREAM WORK!

You can see I'll throw down for LG, the local community, our Country, Natural Health, & for the good (God, who I work for!) of humanity... so if you enjoy my content support my work for FREE by liking the video & sharing with everyone you know to help raise awareness & recruit more ppl to help fight this!

You can see I'll do good things with $$$$ so besides free support you can help financially if you're in a position to! Thanks for any & all forms of support! <3

If you'd like to tip your Witch, here's the link to support my work:

If you'd like to work 1:1 with me on your health goals, here's where you can find me:

I'm temporarily NOT seeing new Witches & Warlocks 1:1 but when I launch my "dental health" video in a week or two I will be, so make an appointment with me and I'll at least have ur info and reach out when I launch!

Anyways, Thanks again for watching & being badasses! We've got work to do!!!!

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