Jamrud Fort | Tomb of Hari Sing Nalwa | Peshawar | Sikh 1835 | British Landmark 1913 AD

9 months ago

English Documentary about Jamrud Fort Peshawar site of 1837 #Battle of #Jamrud #Peshawar #Pakhtunkhwa that Wiped out the #Sikh #Army of #Ranjeet #Singh who came to Hindu Kush Range of Mountains to Plug the #Khyber #Pass and Stop the Rulers of India the Afghans who Ruled India for Last 1000 Years Since Afghan King Mehmood of Ghaznavi , who Has Converted the Indian Sub-Continent Carrying almost 80% of Muslims of the World .

The Sikhs Punjabis were Trained and Armed and Facilitated by the British Raj to Control the Power of Afghan Abdali Pashtun Durrani Empire that had been Jointly Ruling Indian Sub-continent with their Afghan Mughals Partners .

The British and Punjabi Sikh Became Partners After the Amritsar Agreement in 1801 as Joint Partners to Control the Afghans and Divide and rule the Indian Sub Continent that Resulted in British Conquering Ultimately the Indian Sub Continent in 1857. Sikh and British Partners Ship resulted in British Army being Manned by Human Resource from Punjab as " Loyal Puris" , and also the Bengalis that Formed the Bulk of British Raj Army .

In 1837 it was this Battle of Peshawar at Jamrud that got rid of Sikh Punjabis for Ever who had Captured Peshawar in 1834 , from the Afghan Lands of Peshawar Pakhtunkhwa as Durand line , Current Border came in 1893 so many Years latter to Partition Afghanistan , This Battle Ended the 3 Year Rule of Punjabi Sikh over Peshawar Valley up to Attock City in Nowshera .

British Raj Trained Armed and Financed Sikh Khalsa Army of Ranjit Singh and they provided 12 Mercenary Generals to Train them , Col Charles Avi Table was Governor of Peshawar as One of them , he was later called a General by Sikh Khalsa and British Raj and he continued to Serve British after 1837

The Battle was Fought Between #Hari #Sing #Nalwa and #Prince #Akbar #Khan #Durrani son of King #Amir #Sher #Ali #Durrani of #AhmadZai Sub Clan of #Yusafzais Grand Sons of Ahmad Shah Abdali Durrani who ruled Indian Sub continent from 1757 to 1857.

Pashtuns Afghan Has the Distinction of Finishing Multiple Super powers like , Greeks Romans , Mongols , British , Russian and Americans Latter , also has the Distinction of Finishing the Sikh State as well by Finishing off Hari Singh Nalwa and Ranjit Army.

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