All the evidence in this case will lead to one conclusion: Mr. Miles Guo is not guilty

9 months ago

5/24/2024 Attorney Sabrina Shroff: All the evidence in this case will lead to one conclusion: Mr. Miles Guo is not guilty of the 12 counts brought in this indictment! I ask you please, when you consider the evidence, consider the evidence within the context and not to be drawn in by the government's invitation to make judgment calls about people who have money and spend it in a way that you and I simply wouldn't.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #MilesGuoTrial #jury
5/24/2024 萨布丽娜·施洛夫律师:本案的所有证据都将指向唯一结论:郭文贵先生没有犯起诉书中指控的12项罪行!请陪审团各位在考虑证据时考虑证据的背景,不要被政府律师引导去对那些有钱、并以我们无法理解的方式花钱的人做出判断!
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #陪审团

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