Why did Mr. Miles Guo’s family and friends also invest in GTV, G|CLUBS and Himalaya Exchange?

9 months ago

5/24/2024 Attorney Sabrina Shroff: Why did Mr. Miles Guo’s friends and family members also invest in GTV, the Farms, G|CLUBS and Himalaya Exchange? Because they too believe in the anti-CCP movement launched by Mr. Guo!
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #MilesGuoTrial # #GTV #G|CLUBS #HimalayaExchange
5/24/2024 萨布丽娜·施洛夫律师:为什么郭文贵先生的朋友和家人也投资了GTV, 农场,G|CLUBS和喜马拉雅交易所?因为他们同样相信郭先生发起的反中共运动!
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #喜交所

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