BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 5/29/2024 Liberty Essentials & Constitutionalist Dr Dan Cummings

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9am Bill Mohr II will be perspective on religion in government and the principles America was founded on. The Mohr family has a long history in the study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. In our series of Mohr Minutes, he will be teaching current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. Also we will be joined by Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter

10am Constitutionalist, Dr Dan Cummings will be talking about a solution for National Debt Repayment.

"I have been fascinated by the Constitution of the United States since my older childhood and began a serious and in-depth study of it at the age of 14 that has continued to the present. ​​ This study has included constitutional history, constitutional law, current events concerning the problems of our time, foreign policy and the challenge of America's enemies, and sound free-market economics and its enemies. ​​ That study has never ceased and continues today. ​​ I have learned much even in recent years and continue to grow year by year in my understanding of America's problems, both foreign and domestic.

I was born of good parents and raised in a loving home with 4 siblings in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I attended the public elementary and secondary schools and​​ graduated from Highland High School. ​​ I then attended the University of Utah for 8 years, from which I obtained a B. A. degree (in mathematics) and an M.D. degree. ​​ I worked my way through college for both degrees and paid my own way (I refused all taxpayer supported college loans). ​​ My college years were interrupted for 2½ years by a Christian mission in Hong Kong and the Philippines. ​​ After I finished college and medical school, I moved to Washington D. C. for 3 years to complete a medical residency in family medicine. ​​ I married Virginia while I was in medical school, and we have raised 5 children since then, all of whom were home-schooled, at least up to junior high school (1 of them was home-schooled until college). ​​ All of them are now college graduates. ​​ All of them and their spouses are self-supporting in the American economy.

Since I completed my family medicine residency, I have practiced family medicine for 41​​ years in various states around the country. ​​ I have been self-employed for most of that​​ time and have learned all about the challenges of running a personal business and occasionally working as an independent contractor. ​​ I have also spent a few years working for hospitals and another employer, so that I also understand the challenges of being employed by others. ​​ I have always been in excellent health and remain so now, and I am accustomed to nearly continuous hard work with occasional brief vacations."

I have served in the House of Delegates (the policymaking governing bodies) of 3 different state medical associations, and I served a prolonged term on the Board of Trustees (the executive council) of 1 of those state medical association. ​​ I have served in many lay ministerial assignments in my church.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Bill Mohr, Ralph the IT Guy, Dr. Daniel Cummings

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