Forrest Maready – “I Would Ban Them All”

8 months ago

Forrest Maready: “I am now to the point where I am so opposed to vaccination that I believe Vaccines are completely unnecessary, even in third world, if I had the power I would ban all of them. I would outlaw every single one, I don’t think any of them are worth it, I think the risks from neurological illness, from autoimmunity, and from allergies – all 3 things that never existed before the widespread vaccination. I think the damage they have caused is so severe that one day they will be completely banned from humanity.”


1. TrustChristOrGoToHell --

2. Forrest Maready Book → ***The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready – Jun 5, 2018 – PDF --

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