The Roots of Race: Carl Linnaeus, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, Samuel George Morton & Louis Agassiz.

8 months ago

This is the story of the roots of race in America, beginning in Europe, with Carl Linnaeus, Johann Blumenbach, then moving stateside with Thomas George Morton, and Louis Agassiz – and their scientific racism. This is also the story of race, class, and poverty in the United States.

This is the story of the Age of Enlightenment (1700-1800) and the birth, development, and expansion of Scientific Racism - by white European men. This is also the story of Swedish-born botanist Carl Linnaeus and his 1735 grouping of humans into four categories.

This is the story of German-born anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, whose craniological research led him (in 1779) to divide human beings into five categories, based upon the size and shape of the human skulls he studied. This is also the story of the Age of Enlightenment (1700-1800) and the birth, development, and expansion of Scientific Racism - by white European men. #johannblumenbach #ageofenlightenment #race #racism #scientificracism

This is the story of a Philadelphia-born man, considered by many to be the American father of #scientificracism - Samuel George Morton, author of Crania Americana (1839), also known as A Comparative View of the Skulls of Various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America. This is also the story of his second book - Crania Aegyptiaca, also known as Observations on Egyptian Ethnography Derived from Anatomy, History, and the Monuments (1844). These two books provided part of the ideological foundation on which Scientific Racism thrived in the 19th century. #samuelgeorgemorton #race #racismingarenafreefire

This is the story of Swiss-born biologist Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) - one of the fathers of #scientificracism – known, among other things, for commissioning the photographing of African-American slaves in Charleston, South Carolina, to document racial differences, in an effort to prove to the world (in 1850) the physical and anatomical inferiority of Black folks to white Europeans. #louisagassiz #race #racism

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