Earlier Diagnostic Tests = Earlier Lifelong Pharmaceuticals - UK Column News

7 months ago

Earlier Diagnostic Tests = Earlier Lifelong Pharmaceuticals
Full news and all the source links: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-24th-may-2024
- UK Column article: NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur?
- The Guardian: Patient safety at risk in crumbling hospital Boris Johnson promised to replace
- GOV.UK: Five major hospitals to be rebuilt as part of over £20 billion new hospital infrastructure investment
- GOV.UK: New Hospital Programme – media fact sheet
- The Independent: Government programme to build 40 new hospitals beset by ‘delay and indecision’
- GOV.UK (2021): 40 community diagnostic centres launching across England
- GOV.UK (2024): Diagnostic checks rolled out to 160 sites under CDC programme
- NHS England: NHS delivering record number of tests and checks with more one-stop shops in local communities
- NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (YouTube): NHS England Community Diagnostic Centre International Recruitment Webinar
- Cambridge Cancer: Planning permission granted for Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital

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