Deer attack coyote to save her child

4 months ago

Return Fire

📽 by @szompa66

This one starts after the coyote had already zeroed in on an unsuspecting deer fawn and made its move, but the scene quickly takes a different turn, as the fawn's mother catches up and intercepts, refusing to let nature take its anticipated course.

In the wild, deer mothers occasionally face the harsh choice of abandoning their young, favoring their own survival to ensure the continuity of their lineage in future seasons. However, the deer mom in frame today defies this strategy, embodying a fierce protectiveness that leaves no room for predators.

This intense snapshot of a deer going head-to-head with a coyote is a potent reminder of the unexpected narratives that play out in the wild. Today's story isn't simply a tale of survival, but a choice laid bare - to stand one's ground, fight against the odds, or take the detached, less courageous path.

This deer chose option A, and she dealt out an ass whooping on behalf of her fawn.

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