Private Member Associations and "Nations" -- IRS Classifications By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4847 Video - Private Member Associations and "Nations" -- IRS Classifications - Tuesday, May 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Some years ago there was a fad of everyone joining "Private Membership Associations" -- PMAs, and then, after that, another fad of people joining "Private Member Nations" -- all apparently to claim "foreign sovereignty" and evade taxation.

For those who never considered it, there are 248 known and recognized American Indian Nations co-inhabiting this country with us -- if not more.

A "nation" is a group of people having a similar origin, culture, religious background and political identity. Many nations can occupy the same land and soil peaceably --- and do so.

But if you are styling yourself as a "foreign sovereign" while living in this nation, you are giving away your right to be recognized as an American and hold your birthright claim to the land and soil here. And therein lies the rub.

No, the Congress and therefore, the IRS, can't tax Indians. It says so right in the Constitutions. This is because they are still held to be foreign nations.

So if you want to be a foreigner in your own country, go ahead. It's one way to escape the predators--- for a time. Just be aware that you are losing something precious -- your birthright, which is precisely what the British have aimed to steal.


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