Americans Are Reaching A Breaking Point.

8 months ago

Americans Are Reaching A Breaking Point. The Corruption Has Gone Too Far

“This is not a rhetorical question. When is enough actually gonna be enough in America?— America is getting so bad.”

“It's like overwhelming at this point. And this is not a republican or a democrat argument. This is simply an American argument:

- We have roads with potholes in them.
- We have bridges in Baltimore falling down.
- We have grocery prices at an all time high.
- We have an entire generation of people that cannot afford to buy a home.

And the best that the American politicians can do is send a trillion to Ukraine?

- We have to pay income tax.
- We have to pay sales tax.
- We have to pay property tax.
- We have to pay capital gains tax.

I mean, we are just taxed out the ass. And us, as the American people, don't see a dime from it. It just seems like it gets worse and worse.

It never gets better, especially over the course of the last 4 years. I mean, can anyone watching this video right now name one positive thing that has been done for the American people by the politicians in Washington DC? Can anyone name anything? So I circle back to the question that I asked at the beginning of the video.

When is enough actually gonna be enough?

When are we going to stop letting the people that we elect into office absolutely screw us?”

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