Aila: The Rule in China Is Work Always Around the Chinese Communist Government

9 months ago

05/24/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: The policy that CCP made to seniors, businessmen and public figures is that they have to stand with the CCP government if they still want to travel to China or conduct business activities, entertaining activities in China. So none of these celebrities and public figures dared to actually oppose the CCP. Beyond the money deals, all of these celebrities might have some dark history materials that was held and threatened by the CCP.
05/24/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共对明星、商人、公众人物制定的政策是,如果想来中共国旅游、想在中共国进行商业活动和娱乐活动,他们就必须站在中共政府这一边。因此,这些名人和公众人物现在都不敢真正地站出来反对中共。除了金钱交易之外,所有这些名人可能都有一些黑暗历史,而这些黑材料已被中共掌握并用来威胁他们。

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