Royal Decree: Worry NOT for only the selectively deft, dumb and blind

8 months ago

Very Important. In preparation for the imminent EBS, the voice of Queen Romana Didulo has been digitally encrypted for reasons of national security.

I am. Her royal highness queen Majesty Queen Romana Didulo, Head of State, commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, National indigenous chief, Queen and President.

In the Kingdom of Canada,
To the We The People, worry NOT for only the selectively deft, dumb and blind can say HRM Queen Romana's Royal Decrees are being ignored...
Also, remember you have majority, paid for, bought, and sold truthers out there... There's no difference between them and controlled oppositions and the MSM...
This bullshittoo is over!!!

And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.
Where we go one, we go all.

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