24LH05-08 Various Speakers

4 months ago

Randy Richey opens this service which is a mini-camp meeting of its own with various speakers.

Laquitta Sizemore - MARY & MARTHA CONFLICT - This mini-message is packed with insight concerning Jesus' comment, “But one thing is needful,” referenced in Luke 10:42. We don’t want to try and tell God what to do, manipulate Jesus, or allow anyone to take away our time with Him. Though Mary and Martha both loved the Lord, Martha’s serving in works took her to a place of bidding Jesus to have Mary serve her. On the other hand, Mary’s service was sitting in His presence and hearing what He was saying. The end result was Jesus protecting Mary’s time with Him and not allowing it to be taken from her.

Deborah Vails - STAY OFF THE FENCE OF OFFENSE - Using John as an example from Matt 11:1-6, Deborah shows how little it takes to be offended. And in the house of God, it can be very easy to get offended. She encourages the listener to not let the enemy take your joy and peace by getting your nose out of joint over some little quirk against anybody. Get it right, don’t carry it because the more you let it fester the deeper it’s going to go and the harder it will be to remedy the problem. She reminds us that “narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” She tells people you can’t go straight, crooked! God wants to put discipline in our lives. We want to love each other, pray for one another, treat each other right and stay off the fence of offense!

Jesse Jernigan - GOLDEN NUGGETS - When people ask her how she is doing she says, “I am blessed and thankful.” Even if she doesn’t feel that way at the moment it still is the truth and we want to speak truth from our mouths. She expounds on other golden nuggets that have helped her such as: 1) The many books available for spiritual resources (Bible first of course), 2) The phones we have to use as a tool for good, 3) A statement she read as a baby Christian that has stuck with her “The best weapon we have against the enemy is being in right standing with God.” 4) Be quick to repent and quick to forgive. Space does not allow for the remainder. We hope you get the CD or DVD.

Charles Jernigan - DRINKING OF THE CUP - Just as we can work hard all day and not even realize we are thirsty, the same can be true in our spirit man. There are many cups on the table but we want to make sure we are drinking from His cup. The cups can look the same but what is on the inside of the cup is what matters. It is so important to pray about who and what you listen to for spiritual growth. In the increasing times of artificial intelligence, we must be able to discern the truth from the false, the counterfeit from the real because manipulation of the truth is reaching heights never before seen. Compromise being seen in churches along with AI is a recipe for destruction.

Callie Richey - JEALOUSY - Callie bares her soul giving testimony of being delivered from so many demon spirits, which oftentimes resulted in complete healing from diagnosed infirmities in her body. Randy helped her dismantle all the lies she had been taught to believe about herself. She dives into the monstrous generational power jealousy held her captive to - at times to point of attempted suicide. The severity of what God has set her free from has catapulted her into a passion of service to help see other people liberated from their bondages.

Randy & Callie Richey's website: http://christoutreachoklahoma.com/
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Free Audio - http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Randy & Callie Richey -

Deborah Vail's website: https://setfreeoutreachministries.org/
Deborah Vail's YouTube Channel:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Deborah Vails - http://lhbconline.com/deborah-vails/

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