Wasn't Promised

9 months ago

Promises Unkept, broken, and unfulfilled. Have you ever felt the sting of a promise unkept?
The disappointment lingers, the trust shattered. Broken promises can leave a lasting impact on relationships. They can sow seeds of doubt and erode trust. Promises unfulfilled can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt. It's easy to feel let down when expectations aren't met.
Promises made should be promises kept. Being reliable and following through on commitments is essential. Lack of communication can contribute to unkept promises. Clear expectations can help prevent misunderstandings and broken promises. My wife, life, a Knife
They got their weapons. I hear their gunfire. that's for work today. my wife has a boyfriend. I'm tucked and ready. I'm getting used to it now.
This wasn't promised. This Isn't pleasant. someone's going to answer for this. this wasn't promised. there's some discord. where there's no fun there's no play.
who are you listen, just do as they say. that's bondage and chains. my life is a punchline. I'm tucked and ready. I'm getting used to it now.
They got their weapons. I hear their gunfire. that's for work today. My knives got purpose. I'm tucked and ready. I'm getting used to it now.

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